[ewg] ofed_1_2_scripts update patchs

Shaun Rowland rowland at cse.ohio-state.edu
Wed Feb 28 18:09:43 PST 2007

I've uploaded a new MVAPICH2 SRPM: mvapich2-0.9.8-5.src.rpm. I will have
to upload a new version again before the beta release, but I wanted to
get these patches out and a new SRPM uploaded ASAP. I've attached the
following patches done against the latest update for the
ofed_1_2_scripts GIT repository:

- fix for bug 386
- adds mpi-selector support to MVAPICH2
- changes one default setting for MVAPICH2 in the case the user has not 
specified build options

- fixes an ordering problem in install.sh around line 130 (see below)

The mpi-selector patch fixes an ordering issue with the mpi-selector
package removal in install.sh around line 130. Since mpi-selector is a
requirement for the MPI packages, it should be removed after the MPI
packages instead of before. This patch changes the order to match what
is done in the uninstall.sh script. I mentioned this to Jeff, so if he's
doing maintenance on this part of the script - perhaps it would be
better for him to review this patch... or whatever needs to happen. It
is just something I noticed. I thought I'd pass along this patch too
since I was trying the latest scripts with the OFED-1.2-20070226-1758
files and it solved the uninstall problem I was having.

In the course of looking into this, I also noticed that the MVAPICH SRPM
is not actually adding mpi-selector as a requirement like the MVAPICH2
and OMPI RPMs are doing. The %use_mpi_selector macro is there, but it is
not defined as 1 until after it is used in the %if condition where
Requires: is set. The mpi-selector program is used, but it's not set in
Requires because of this ordering.
Shaun Rowland	rowland at cse.ohio-state.edu
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