[ewg] Re: ofed_kernel merged with 2.6.24-rc1 patches update required

Erez Zilber erezz at Voltaire.COM
Tue Nov 6 01:26:32 PST 2007

open-iscsi & iSER backport patches work ok for the following distros:

    * SLES 10
    * SLES 10 sp1
    * RHEL 5
    * RHEL 5 up1
    * RHAS4 up4
    * RHAS4 up5

I wasn't able to test open-iscsi over iSER for the following distros 
(because other patches fail):

    * RHAS4 up3 - could not apply 2.6.9_U3/core_4807_to_2_6_9.patch

FYI - Some other distros (that open-iscsi over iSER is not supported on) 

    * SLES 9 sp3 - could not apply 2.6.5_sles9_sp3/core_4807_to_2_6_9.patch
    * RHAS4 up2 - could not apply 2.6.9_U2/core_4807_to_2_6_9.patch

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