[ewg] rdma/cm: disallow loopback address for iwarp devices

Pradeep Satyanarayana pradeeps at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Feb 8 16:30:46 PST 2010

Steve Wise wrote:
> Sean, can you try openmpi?  It fails for me, and yet ucmatose succeeds. 
> I don't understand the difference yet...
> Sean Hefty wrote:
>>> On my OFED 1.4.1 RHEL4u6 systems, rdma_bind_addr() fails when
>>> attempting to
>>> bind to per the email I sent Friday:
>>>    http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-rdma/msg02568.html
>> This is what I see over IB on 2.6.26, with a couple extra prints added to
>> cmatose:
>> cst-lin1:/home/mshefty/librdmacm# examples/ucmatose -b
>> cmatose: starting server
>> src addr 0x100007f
>> rdma_bind_addr: 0
>> so we're missing something else.

Hi Steve,

I am attempting to duplicate the problem that you reported with today's OFED build (on Sles11, if that matters). I have rarely
used openMPI, so suggestions would be helpful. Here is what I see:

elm3b199:/usr/lib # /usr/mpi/gcc/openmpi-1.4.1/bin/mpirun -np 2 --bynode --mca btl_openib_cpc_include rdmacm ring
mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not find an executable:

Executable: ring
Node: elm3b199

while attempting to start process rank 0.
elm3b199:/usr/lib #

Incidentally tvflash did not build (this is a ppc64 machine).


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