June 2006 Release Notes for iSER initiator part of OFED 1.0 * Background iSER allows iSCSI to be layered over RDMA transports (including InfiniBand and iWARP (RNIC)). The OpenIB iSER initiator implementation is interoperable with open-iscsi (http://www.open-iscsi.org/). It provides an alternative transport to iscsi_tcp in the open iscsi framework. The iSER transport exposes a transport API to scsi_transport_iscsi, and a SCSI LLD API to the Linux SCSI mid-layer (scsi_mod). * supported platforms SLES10 (RC1 and later) the release has been tested against Voltaire iSCSI/iSER target running in Voltaire's IB/Fibre-Channel router * known issues SCSI command aborts may cause some instabilities * iSER links WIKI pages information on building/configuring/running the open iscsi initiator w. iSER https://openib.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=iSER IETF pages iSCSI and iSER specifications come out of the IETF IP storage (IPS) work group http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/ips-charter.html. "ABOUT" page general and detailed information on iSCSI and iSER http://www.voltaire.com/iser.htm