[openib-general] Re: A Couple More CM Queries

Sean Hefty mshefty at ichips.intel.com
Mon Apr 11 12:14:02 PDT 2005

Hal Rosenstock wrote:
>>>Also, in cm_process_send_error(), where the handler is called
>>>cm_id_priv->id.cm_handler(&cm_id_priv->id, &cm_event);
>>>might that callback request the CM ID destruction ? If so, some
>>>code is missing to handle this.
>>Yep - this is a bug.  Send errors should probably be handled using the 
>>same cm_process_work routine that the receive handling goes through. 
>>I'll generate a patch for this, but it'll take me a few days, unless 
>>this is urgent.
> Nope; not urgent. Just stumbled across it while looking through things.

Okay - I will try to get to this after finishing RMPP debug.

Thinking about this more, send errors were not handled in the same way 
as receive handling, because I wanted to ensure that send errors were 
always reported to the user.  I.e. I didn't want to deal with a failed 
memory allocation.  I'll try to get a fix in next week.

- Sean

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