[openib-general] Connection Manager Abstraction proposition - header file

Guy German guyg at voltaire.com
Wed Aug 24 05:21:07 PDT 2005

 * Copyright (c) 2005 Voltaire Inc.  All rights reserved.
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 *  This header file as a preliminary proposition for a connection manager 
 *  abstraction layer (cma) for IB and iwarp 
 *  - there is an assumption that iwarp uses the same openib qp terminology in 
 *    the rest of the verbs, and the only place needs abstraction is the cm.
 *  - This proposition assumes that the address translation is done in the cma
 *    layer.
 *  - The cma also modifies the qp states to init/rtr/rts and error as needed.
 *  - for calling accept/reject or disconnect on the passive side you need to 
 *    use  the cma handle accepted in ib_cma_listen cb.
 *  - cma_id is created when calling connect or listen and destroyed when 
 *    accepting disconnected/rejected/unreachable events on either active
 *    side (connect cb) or passive side (accept cb)

#ifndef IB_CMA_H
#define IB_CMA_H

#include <linux/socket.h>

enum ib_cma_event {

enum ib_qos {
	IB_QOS_LOW_LATENCY = (1 << 1),
	IB_QOS_ECONOMY = (1 << 2),
	IB_QOS_PREMIUM = (1 << 3)

enum ib_connect_flags {

 * for ib_cma_get_src_ip - ib_cma_id will have to include 
 * the path data received in the request handler
union ib_cma_id{
	struct ib_cm_id *cm_id;
	u32 iwarp_id;

typedef void (*ib_cma_rarp_handler)(struct sockaddr *src_ip, void *context);
typedef void (*ib_cma_ac_handler)(enum ib_cma_event event, void *context);
typedef void (*ib_cma_event_handler)(enum ib_cma_event event, void *context,
				     void *private_data);
typedef void (*ib_cma_listen_handler)(union ib_cma_id *cma_id, 
				      void *private_data, void *context);

struct ib_cma_conn {
	struct ib_qp *qp;
	struct ib_qp_attr *qp_attr;
	struct sockaddr *dst_ip;
	__be64 service_id;
	void *context;
	ib_cma_event_handler cma_event_handler;
	const void *private_data;
	u8 private_data_len;
	u32 timeout;
	enum ib_qos qos;
	enum ib_connect_flags connect_flags;

 * ib_cma_get_device - Returns the device to be used according to
 *   the destination ip address (this can be detemined according 
 *   to the local routing table). Call this function before 
 *   creating the qp. If using link-local IPv6 addresses
 * @remote_address: The destination address for connection
 * @device: The device to use (returned by the function)
int ib_cma_get_device(struct sockaddr *remote_address,
		      struct ib_device **device);

 * ib_cma_connect - this is the connect request function, called by 
 *   the active side. The consumer registers an upcall that will be 
 *   initiated by the cma with an appropriate connection event 
 *   notification (established/rejected/disconnected etc)
 * @cma_conn: This structure contains the following connection parameters:
 *   @qp: qp for establishing the connection
 *   @qp_attr: only relevant attributes are used
 *   @dst_ip: destination ip address
 *   @service_id: destination service id (port)
 *   @context: context to be returned in the callback
 *   @cma_event_handler: the upcall function for the active side
 *   @private_data: private data to be received at the listener upcall
 *   @private_data_len: private data length (max 255)
 *   @timeout: 
 *   @qos: Quality os service for the rc
 *   @connect_flags: default or multipath connection
 * @cma_id: This returned handle is a union (different in ib and iwarp)
 *   in ib - it is the cm_id.
int ib_cma_connect(struct ib_cma_conn *cma_conn,
		   union ib_cma_id *cma_id);

 * ib_cma_disconnect - this function disconnects the rc. It can be 
 *   called, by either the passive or active side
 * @qp: the connected qp to disconnect
 * @cma_id: On the active side- this handle is the one returned 
 *   when ib_cma_connect was called.
 *   On the passive side- this handle was accepted in cma_listen callback
int ib_cma_disconnect(struct ib_qp *qp, union ib_cma_id *cma_id);

 * ib_cma_sid_listen - this function is called by the passive side. It is
 *   listening on a the specified port (ib service id) for incomming 
 *   connection requests
 * @device: ? need to resolve this issue
 * @service_id: service id (port) to listen on
 * @context: user context to be returned in the callback
 * @cm_listen_handler: the listen callback
 * @cma_id: cma handle for the passive side
int ib_cma_sid_listen(struct ib_device *device, __be64 service_id,
		      void *context, ib_cma_listen_handler cm_listen_handler,
		      union ib_cma_id *cma_id);

 * ib_cma_sid_destroy - this functionis is called on the passive side, to 
 *   stop listenning on a certain sevice id
 * @cma_id: the same cma handle received when ib_cma_sid_listen was called
int ib_cma_sid_destroy(union ib_cma_id *cma_id);

 * ib_cma_accept - call on the passive side to accept a connection request
 * @cma_id: this handle was accepted in cma_listen callback
 * @qp: the connection's qp
 * @private_data: private data to send back to the initiator
 * @private_data_len: private data length
 * @context: user context to be returned in the callback
 * @cm_accept_handler: the cma accept callback - triggered when RTU ack
 *   received
int ib_cma_accept(union ib_cma_id *cma_id, struct ib_qp *qp, 
		  const void *private_data, u8 private_data_len, 
		  void *context, ib_cma_ac_handler cm_accept_handler);

 * ib_cma_reject - call on the passive side to reject a connection request.
 *   This call destroys the cma_id, hence when the active side accepts
 *   the reject the cma_id is already destroyed.
 * @cma_id: this handle was accepted in cma_listen callback
 * @private_data: private data to send back to the initiator
 * @private_data_len: private data length
int ib_cma_reject(union ib_cma_id *cma_id, const void *private_data,
		  u8 private_data_len);

 * ib_cma_get_src_ip - this function performs "rarp", asynchronicly
 *   from cma_id to src ip
 * @cma_id: the cma_id will have to include the path data received 
 *   in the request handler
 * @src_ip: source ip of the initiator
int ib_cma_get_src_ip(union ib_cma_id *cma_id,
		      ib_cma_rarp_handler rarp_handler,
		      void *context);

#endif /* IB_CMA_H */

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