[openib-general] OpenIB and OpenRDMA: Convergence on common RDMA APIs and ULPs for Linux

Talpey, Thomas Thomas.Talpey at netapp.com
Thu May 26 05:27:40 PDT 2005

At 02:20 AM 5/26/2005, Venkata Jagana wrote:
>I would like to really understand the technical reasons why you say RNIC-PI is irrelevant to Linux kernel. 
>RNIC-PI is developed to support not only the RNICs but it is also IB compatible.

I'm not Roland, but my belief is that until RNIC-PI exists as working
code on a reference implementation, it is in fact not yet relevant
to Linux. Perhaps you can outline the schedule to get there?

I will point out that Roland's "science project" driver, which forms
the base for the current OpenIB implementation, was released to
the community on May 17, 2004 - one year ago.

It is my assertion* that OpenRDMA must work with, and within,
OpenIB to create a single RDMA implementation for Linux, in order
to create the best and broadest support, as early as possible.
Ok, so the names are a little upside-down. :-)


* <http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=7131591&forum_id=43037>  

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