[openib-general] InfiniPath + OpenIB question

Tim Miller btmiller at helix.nih.gov
Mon Nov 21 13:05:22 PST 2005


I've been playing around with PathScale InfiniPath and OpenIB with the 
gen2 code checked out of subversion last Friday, and I'm having a bit of 
trouble with it. I can build and install everything OK, and the ipath 
driver appears to work, but I'm having trouble with the mvapich included. 
I can compile the example programs just fine, but when I run:

mpirun_rsh -rsh -np 4 -hostfile nodes ./cpip

I get the following error:

[0] Abort: Error getting HCA context
  at line 94 in file viainit.c
mpirun: executable version 0 does not match our version 2.

I am running an older version of opensm -- thinking that may be the 
problem, I compiled the opensm in the gen2 tree, but it fails. Looking at 
the log, the problem seems to be that osm_vendor_bind fails with an unable 
to open port error.

I'm new to openib in general. I've dug around in the Wiki and googled a 
bit, but didn't find much useful, so I'm not sure how to debug this 

Best Wishes,

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