[openib-general] [PATCH] [RFC] RDMA generic CMA updates

Sean Hefty mshefty at ichips.intel.com
Mon Sep 26 13:24:23 PDT 2005

Hal Rosenstock wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 13:46, Sean Hefty wrote:
>>I've checked this into svn under svn/gen2/users/mshefty/linux-kernel/infiniband, 
>>so that changes can be tracked easier.
> What would be done for uDAPL ? Would there be uCMA ?

I've considered uDAPL, but haven't thought through all of the details yet.  My 
hope is that the uCMA will interface to the uCM, userspace SA query code, and 
userspace address resolution code, and will not need to communicate directly 
with the kernel CMA

> Also, would IPv6 be extensions to the current API parameters or
> additional APIs ?

I'm not sure about this.  I was trying to get this working on IPv4 first, then 
worry about IPv6 later.  However, I tried to avoid assuming that addresses were 
IPv4 where possible.

- Sean

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