[openib-general][PATCH] mthca & ib_verbs.h client reregister event support

Leonid Arsh leonida at voltaire.com
Sun Apr 2 08:01:05 PDT 2006

Of course, the FW doesn't handle the event, it handles the request by 
sending the port info to the SM.
It also generates an appropriate event to SW. The actual re-registration 
is to be done by the SW in ULPs.
An alternative way to generate the event is catching the request MAD in 
smp_snoop, as you suggested, but the port info still will be sent by the 

Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
> Quoting r. Leonid Arsh <leonida at voltaire.com>:
>> Yes, I agree with you about your preference to have a software solution,
>> but the actual ClientReregister request handling is done by the FW, 
>> isn't it?
> No, FW does not do any handling AFAIK. I think it has the capability to push the
> event to software, but the actual re-registration still has to be done by ULPs.

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