[openib-general] REMINDER: The InfiniBand Trade Association and the OpenFabrics Alliance Fall 2006 Developers Conference (Sept. 25)

Linh Dinh linhd at owenmedia.com
Mon Aug 21 09:31:04 PDT 2006

Hello everyone,


A reminder to mark your calendar for the InfiniBand Trade Association
(IBTA) and the OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) Fall 2006 Developers
Conference on September 25, 2006 at the Moscone Center West in San
Francisco.  The event is being held in co-location with the Fall 2006
Intel Developer Forum.


If you are an application developer, systems vendor, hardware/software
solution provider or end user of the technology, please join us for
presentations and collaborative sessions that will highlight the recent
advancements of the InfiniBand specification and available software


The one-day conference begins at 8:30 a.m. with keynotes from Jim
Pappas, director of initiative marketing at Intel Corporation, and Krish
Ramakrishnan, vice president and general manager of Server Switching at
Cisco.  In addition, we have an exciting day planned including:


*	End users sharing experiences on real-life deployment and usage
of the technology 
*	Highlights of the recent advancements of the InfiniBand
specification by IBTA 
*	Updates on available InfiniBand-supported software solutions
from OFA and industry partners 
*	Collaborative sessions and discussions about future joint
developments between IBTA and OFA 


Attendees who register by September 1st can do so for the early-bird
rate of $149.  Afterwards, the standard registration fee is $199.  To
register for the event, please visit:  www.acteva.com/go/IBTAOFADevCon06


Special discount offered to those registering for IDF:

If you haven't yet registered for IDF, we invite you to take advantage
of an exclusive discount being offered to those attending the IBTA and
OFA conference.  Attendees may purchase conference passes to IDF at a
discounted rate of $700 - a savings of $995 off the standard rate.


To register for IDF and receive this discount, please visit: 


IBTA and OFA Member Bulk Code: FCAGRCTA


The Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco offers attendees over 130
hours of technology training to choose from, led by top Intel and
industry engineers who provide critical training that will help you
solve your day-to-day, real-time problems. 



Linh Dinh


206-322-1167, ext. 115

linhd at owenmedia.com



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