Ali Sheriff ali at alisheriff.orangehome.co.uk
Fri Dec 15 01:18:03 PST 2006

Thank you for you.
I write to inform you that the sending of the consignment will only be possible because an agent will help you to open an account with OCEANIC BANK , then you can transfer the funds from OCEANIC BANK PLC,  to your account in any part of the world.
You  have to contact the Agent  on,
Name:Godwin Amala
Email:chineloadams13 at yahoo.fr
OR,godwin_amala1967 at yahoo.fr
Phone Number:+229 97 67 26 47
And you should contact him with the reconfirmation of your address and direct contact phone and cell numbers.
The purpose of the contact is to confirm that he  have received the funds and to confirm to him your are the real owner of the funds and for your wish for your inspection and deposit in the bank if you wish.The total sum he supposed to pay you is your compensation fund of $800,000,reserved by your Business associates here which his sceretary,Courier Company and Bank were unable to complete payments and hence exhort your money.
This process of movement of money is very classified and it is only accorded to GOLD CARD members of the ADB organisation and, this GOLD CARD members includes Heads of States in Africa,former ministers and very top Government officials in india and south America.  Through my contact, I have fronted you as a GOLD CARD member.
You should therefore present yourself as Gold card member.Your passcode is “AD411W7”.  You must mention this code to Mr Godwin Amala when you contact her before he can give you any information regarding the consignments.And then you should inform him that you are expecting some consignmentsfrom  COTONOU BENIN REPUBLIC,and that you wish to confirm if they have arrived. You must not let him know that you are NOT a Gold card member.
Note that you must memorize the numbers because you will be the person to open the consignment upon delivery and that is a strong proof of ownership and identity.
You must know that the only persons who know the contents of the consignments are your humble self,Godwin Amala and myself.
Please take note of all these instructions.  If you have any question,please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Thank you.
Ali Sherif  
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