[openib-general] OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR

MR.MICHAEL THOMPSOM mictop_eagle at yahoo.ca
Sat Dec 23 05:22:43 PST 2006

Dear Director,

My name is Mr.Michael Thompson;I work in a gold mining company in GHANA West Africa.There is a polititian friend of my  from  Republic of SIERA-LEAON one of former Ministers, during president charles Tialor government in office who has in our custody fund cash {for safekeeping in our company}.I received instruction from him to look for a reliable foreign partner/investor who can receive and manage the fund for him until his ordeal with the Government is over, currently he is under detention and probe, his offence is political motivated {he is aspiring for the office of the president come next election} However the money originated from gratification/under the counter sales of copper and diamond in his ministry,The amount is $58,600,000.00 USD.
It is upon this facts that I made a tripe to DUBAI in UNITED ARABS EMIRATES (UAE)

If you  can work with me and render  your good help, honestly you are welcome.Kindly help,you will be adequately rewarded for assisting.


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