[openib-general] [PATCH] [RFC] group devices by type

Sean Hefty mshefty at ichips.intel.com
Wed Jan 25 16:39:12 PST 2006

Sean Hefty wrote:
> I didn't notice anything that assumed the values assigned to the enum 
> members, but I can think of several reasons how I would miss that.  I 
> guess an easy sanity check is to change the value assigned to IB_NODE_CA 
> and see if anything stops working.

I changed the value of IB_NODE_CA from 1 to 9, and everything that I tested 
still worked.  However... there looks like there may be some cases in userspace 
where the code assume that the node_type matches the values in a NodeInfo.  A 
grep showed some areas where there were checks like "ca.node_type == 2".

It looks like we might have issues, then, trying to use node_type as an RDMA 
device type identifier.  Maybe we should just add a new device_type field to 
ib_device to distinguish between IB and iWarp devices...

- Sean

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