[openib-general] Revised Sonoma Agenda plus a request to those attending

Bill Boas bill.boas at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 17:45:12 PST 2006

All attending the Workshop and others interested:

Attached is an updated draft of the "Program at a Glance". It is still
subject to change and your feedback will be appreciated if you have
suggestions for improvement or see problems/conflicts or topics left out.

There are 3 or 4 further rooms at the Lodge available to us for break out or
Birds of a feather, just let me know in advance to make a reservation or
come to the registration desk outside the Sonoma Ballroom and ask for one
when you are there.


There are over 30 people REGISTERED through the Acteva site
www.acteva.com/go/rdma WHO HAVE NOT RESERVED a room at the Lodge.

As a result OpenIB is BELOW THE GUARANTEED NUMBER we gave the Lodge.

Those who have forgotten to make a room reservation please make it THROUGH
these links, NOT by calling the Lodge directly:

   - General group room rate, priority code

   - For US Government badge holders, priority code

There are also 14 people who have called the Lodge directly and are not
counted in the OpenIB group and therefore may not get the discounted rate.

If you are one of them, please contact the hotel and get them to include you
in the OpenIB group.

Thank you.

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