[openib-general] [librdmacm] ABI file in not being created by cma module, but the user level library tries to use it

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Wed Jul 19 23:51:19 PDT 2006

I executed the example ucmatose and got the following failure:


# ucmatose
librdmacm: couldn't read ABI version.
failed to create event channel



it seems that the cma kernel module don't create any ABI file, but the user
level library

tries to search for it anyway.


here are the machine/driver props:

Host Architecture : x86_64
Linux Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 2)
Kernel Version    : 2.6.9-22.ELsmp
Memory size       : 4037872 kB
Driver Version    : gen2_linux-20060719-1758 (REV=8587)   (kernel part: git for
kernel 2.6.18)
HCA ID(s)         : mthca0
HCA model(s)      : 25218
FW version(s)     : 5.1.921
Board(s)          : MT_0150000001


did you see this problem before?


This looks like a potential backport issue.  The ABI file is usually created
under misc/rdma_cm, but I believe that the backport patch moves the rdma_cm
directory under infiniband.  (The misc directory doesn't exist.)  The library
typically looks under misc/rdma_cm.  (Note that very old versions of the RDMA CM
did not create an ABI file, so it's possible that you have that version.)


If I remember correctly, the event channel code went into the CMA in May.  Can
you tell me what version of the ucma and librdmacm you are using?


- Sean

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