[openib-general] [mvapich-discuss] mvapich xhpl memory usage

Matthew Koop koop at cse.ohio-state.edu
Tue Jun 20 11:35:09 PDT 2006


It appears that the OFED 1.0 release uses a script other than the
make.mvapich.gen2 script to specify the CFLAGS before building the RPMs.
When using the default MVAPICH from our website/svn make.mvapich.gen2 is
still correct though. For this reason, your change did not update the
compilation flags.

To change the OFED 1.0 CFLAGS you will need to edit the "mvapich.make"
script (instead of make.mvapich.gen2) in mvapich-0.9.7-mlx2.1.0 and remove
"-DLAZY_MEM_UNREGISTER" from line 308.

Please let us know if you have any other questions or if this does not
solve your issue.

Matthew Koop
Network-Based Computing Laboratory
Ohio State University

> Hello, I installed OFED 1.0 (mvapich 0.97)and compile Linpack
> benchmark. When I run xhpl, the memory usage creeps up with each NB.
> and as each N changes the memory allocated is not freed.
> LAZY_MEM_REGISTER is not defined per
> http://mail.cse.ohio-state.edu/pipermail/mvapich-discuss/2006-March/000057.html
> I removed it from Make.mvapich.gen2. tar it back up and reran the
> install.

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