[openib-general] [PATCH] libmthca: allow make dist without needing to install libibverbs first (option to disable libcheck)

Jack Morgenstein jackm at mellanox.co.il
Thu May 4 08:38:50 PDT 2006


Please apply this patch ASAP, so that we can do "make dist"
(see userspace/management/diags/configure.in for an example
of how this patch solves the problem).


Allow disabling libcheck, so that can do  make dist
without installing ibverbs package first.

Signed-off-by: Jack Morgenstein <jackm at mellanox.co.il>

Index: latest/src/userspace/libmthca/configure.in
--- latest.orig/src/userspace/libmthca/configure.in	(revision 6935)
+++ latest/src/userspace/libmthca/configure.in	(working copy)
@@ -8,12 +8,21 @@ AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h)
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libmthca, 1.0.2)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(libcheck, [  --disable-libcheck      do not test for presence of ib libraries],
+[       if test x$enableval = xno ; then
+                disable_libcheck=yes
+        fi
 dnl Checks for programs
+if test "$disable_libcheck" != "yes"
 dnl Checks for libraries
 AC_CHECK_LIB(ibverbs, ibv_get_device_list, [],
     AC_MSG_ERROR([ibv_get_device_list() not found.  libmthca requires 
 dnl Checks for header files.
 AC_CHECK_HEADER(infiniband/driver.h, [],

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