[openib-general] problem with libibverbs and ib_rdma_bw test

Linev Sergei S.Linev at gsi.de
Mon Nov 6 04:47:47 PST 2006


I was trying to install OFED 1.1 on SuSE 9.3 Linux (
We are using Opterons with Mellanox MHES18-XT PCIe host adapters.
Previousely we were using IB Gold 1.8.0 and mostly working with uDAPL.

Now I trying uDAPL with OFED and find out, that it is not working for me.
Actually, I see the same problem as it was reported here:


I was trying to find out a place, where it reports a problem and was able to trace down to 
dapls_ib_mr_register() call, where ibv_reg_mr() returns zero handle (openib_cma/dapl_ib_mem.c, line 197)

According to recomendation in following mail,

I was trying to trace if ibverbs interface is working.
And I find out that basic latency/bandwidth tests are working, but when I try to run
and rdma-based tests, I immidiately see a problem. For instance, when I call on node01
ib_rdma_bw, and on node02  "ib_rdma_bw node01", I see on both nodes same error message:

node01> ib_rdma_bw
29808: | port=18515 | ib_port=1 | size=65536 | tx_depth=100 | iters=1000 | duplex=0 | cma=0 
29808:pp_init_ctx: Couldn't allocate MR

Probably, it is well known problem and I can solve it just by upgrading to the newest Linux?

Any help is appreciated.

Sergey Linev

Experiment Data Processing (EE)
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI)
Planckstr. 1 
D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany

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