[openib-general] [RFC] [PATCH 2/7] ib_multicast 2.6.20: add ib_multicast module to track join requests from the same port

Or Gerlitz ogerlitz at voltaire.com
Wed Oct 11 07:15:43 PDT 2006

Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
> Quoting r. Or Gerlitz <ogerlitz at voltaire.com>:

>> This porting relies on Sean's work to allow for joining/leaving "IP 
>> Multicast" mcast groups from user space. And anyway, when you expose 
>> something to user space, you might not "see" the usage as it can be not 
>> an open source one.

> I don't know whether a single closd-source application shows something
> is useful. Anyway, you don't need code upstream just to do development.
> Pushing userspace-interfacing code upstream before there are actual users
> leads to ABI instability and other such issues.

The only current rdma cm user space code i am aware to is uDAPL.

Intel MPI is a closed source package using uDAPL which drove much 
(almost 100%) of the uDAPL and uCMA testing and the uCMA is candidate to 
be submitted for 2.6.20 (ie ~3 months from today).

I have seen some feedback provided on the uCMA UD Mcast code by 
Steve/Tom and as i said we are going to use it immediately so more 
feedback would be provided over this list.

As of the NO synchronization (to remove doubt, i am not in favor for 
such sycn and in favor of not maintaining the ib kernel code in the 
svn!) between the openib SVN and Roland's GIT tree, to make the testing 
of uCMA consumers robust, applying this patch set on the for-2.6.20 
branch of the IB git tree is essential.


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