[openib-general] 2.6.18-rc5-mm1: drivers/infiniband/hw/amso1100/c2.c compile error

Andrew Morton akpm at osdl.org
Fri Sep 1 11:23:12 PDT 2006

On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 10:34:24 -0700
Roland Dreier <rdreier at cisco.com> wrote:

>     Andrew> What's __raw_writeq() supposed to do, anyway?  On alpha
>     Andrew> it's writeq() without an mb().  On parisc it's writeq()
>     Andrew> only the data is byte-reversed.  On sparc64() it's
>     Andrew> incomprehensible.  On everything else it's writeq().
> My understanding is that __raw_writeq() is like writeq() except not
> strongly ordered and without the byte-swap on big-endian
> architectures.  The __raw_writeX() variants are convenient to avoid
> having to write inefficient code like writel(swab32(foo), ...) when
> talking to a PCI device that wants big-endian data.  Without the raw
> variant, you end up with a double swap on big-endian architectures.
> sparc64 looks wrong, since __raw_writeq() seems identical to writeq(),
> which seems to imply it's going to swab what is stores.

OK.  Can we please stop hacking around this in drivers and

a) work out what it's supposed to do

b) document that (Documentation/DocBook/deviceiobook.tmpl or code
   comment or whatever)

c) tell arch maintainers?

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