[ofa-general] Re: on the coexistance of uDAPLs

Arlin Davis ardavis at ichips.intel.com
Mon Apr 16 12:37:11 PDT 2007

Karl Feind wrote:

>>comments? other suggestions?
>I'd really like to see a separate RPM (called something like dapl-infra)
>that installs:
>	1) /etc/dat.conf  (empty)
>	2) a script that addes a provider to /etc/data.conf
>	3) a script that removes a provider from /etc/data.conf
>	4) libdat.so
>Any DAPL layer depends on this RPM, and invokes the scripts (2)
>and (3) in the preinstall and postuninstall setep.
>This decouples the DAPL infrastructure from the DAPL instantiations.
>Just an idea.

Do you see the need for different versions to co-exist (1.1, 1.2, 2.0)?

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