[ofa-general] Re: [PATCH] installer: update kernel symbol versions

Yosef Etigin yosefe at voltaire.com
Thu Apr 19 02:17:23 PDT 2007

Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
>>Quoting Yosef Etigin <yosefe at voltaire.com>:
>>Subject: Re: [PATCH] installer: update kernel symbol versions
>>Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
>>>>1. Taking another Module.symvers, and even knowing that this is what causes the 
>>>>  module loading errors, is not as straightforward as finding the headers.
>>>It isn't? Why isn't it?
>>>As I see it, this is a problem that needs to be solved once
>>>when external module is packaged.
>>OK, but this solution should be part of OFED, and available for all kernels.
>>From what 
>>I have tested (and correct me if i'm wrong) on older kernels one must edit the original
>>.symvers anyway to get the right versions.
>>So why shouldn't the installation do that?
> Because, these are part of another package, touching them is wrong.
> External modules will have to solve it in some other way.  It should be possible
> - it's all just scripts, for the most part.  For example, for all I care, build
> script for external module can catenate ofed and kernel symvers, build and then
> split them back. Already better than OFED doing permanent changes.

The problem is that this is not applicable for old kernels.
Anyone using rhas4 must change his version anyway.

Another method:
The kernel-ib-devel will provide a patch that a user can apply to his
Module.symvers, to update it with the new versions.

Signed-off-by: Yosef Etigin <yosefe at voltaire.com>

diff -urN ofed_1_2.orig/ofed_scripts/ofa_kernel.spec ofed_1_2.new/ofed_scripts/ofa_kernel.spec
--- ofed_1_2.orig/ofed_scripts/ofa_kernel.spec	2007-04-19 12:13:58.000000000 +0300
+++ ofed_1_2.new/ofed_scripts/ofa_kernel.spec	2007-04-19 12:15:30.000000000 +0300
@@ -162,13 +162,57 @@
 %if %{build_kernel_ib}
 make kernel # MODULES_DIR=/lib/modules/%{KVERSION} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-modsyms=`find $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{_name}-%{_version} -name Module.symvers -o -name Modules.symvers`
-for modsym in $modsyms
+# Create module symbols patch
+# Go silent - don't display the symbol string
+set +x
+# Find the new symbols that IB modules export
+# list them all in a file,crc,symbol fashion
+for mod in $(find ${IB_MODULES_ROOT} -name '*.ko')
-        cat $modsym >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}/src/%{_name}/Module.symvers
+        # break down the list to file name crc and symbol
+        group=$(nm -o ${mod} |
+            sed -ne s#${IB_MODULES_ROOT}'/*\(.*\)\.ko:0\{8\}\(\w\{8\}\) . __crc_\(.*\)$#\2,\3,\1#p')
+        SYM_RECS=${SYM_RECS}' '${group}
+        for rec in ${group}
+        do
+                [ -z "${rec}" ] && continue
+                sym=$(echo ${rec} | cut -d, -f2)
+                SYMS=${SYMS}"/${sym}/d;"
+        done
+# Remove old symbols from Module.symvers
+sed -i ${MOD_SYMVERS_TMP} -e "${SYMS}"
+# Add our symbols
+for rec in ${SYM_RECS}; do
+        echo 0x${rec} | sed -e 's/,/\t/g' >> ${MOD_SYMVERS_OFA}
+# Go verbose
+set -x
+# create patch
 ################################## Handle kernel modules ##################################
     # Fix kernel modules path in case that modules were installed under 'extra' directory

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