[ewg] Re: [ofa-general] Toward next OFED release (1.3)

Tziporet Koren tziporet at dev.mellanox.co.il
Tue Jun 26 12:19:48 PDT 2007

Roland Dreier wrote:
> That's great, but please let's not think about it as a patch "for OFED
> 1.3."  I think this sort of change to the user/kernel interface really
> needs to go upstream before it goes into OFED, so just work on getting
> the changes into the kernel and libmthca, and then we can worry about
> getting them into an OFED release.
This comment  is aligned with OFED development methodology.
Regarding all kernel modules that are part of Linux: we first push the 
change to the kernel and base OFED on this code.
We take kernel patches for bug fixes and portions that are targeted for 
the kernel inclusion.
OFED does not come to be a bypass for the Linux kernel development process.

Regarding user space libraries - OFED is based on the sources from git 
of each package and any change should be coordinated with the library owner:
libibverbs - Roland
libumad - Hal
librdmacm & libcm - Sean
uDAPL - Arlin


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