[ewg] Re: [OMPI devel] [ofa-general] Re: OMPI over ofed udapl - bugs opened

Or Gerlitz ogerlitz at voltaire.com
Thu May 10 06:02:01 PDT 2007

Jeff Squyres wrote:
> On May 10, 2007, at 8:23 AM, Or Gerlitz wrote:
>> A different approach which you might want to consider is to have at 
>> the btl level --two-- connections per <src,dst> ranks. so if A wants 
>> to send B it does so through the A --> B connection and if B wants to 
>> send A it does so through the B --> A connection. To some extent, this 
>> is the approach taken by IPoIB-CM (I am not enough into the RFC to 
>> understand the reasoning but i am quite sure this was the approach in 
>> the initial implementation). At first thought it mights seems not very 
>> elegant, but taking it into the details (projected on the ompi env) 
>> you might find it  even nice.
> What is the advantage of this approach?

To start with, my hope here is at least to be able play defensive here, 
that is convince you that the disadvantages are minor, where only if 
this fails, would schedule myself some reading into the ipoib-cm rfc to 
dig the advantages.


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