[ofa-general] Fwd: [rddp] RFCs 5040-5045 and the RDDP WG

Michael Krause krause at cup.hp.com
Thu Nov 1 09:21:44 PDT 2007

For those wondering about the status of the iWARP specifications.


>From: Black_David at emc.com
>Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 08:44:22 -0400
>Thread-Topic: RFCs 5040-5045 and the RDDP WG
>Thread-Index: AcgchN9Cfit3Vms/QnO5eI5esujgpg==
>Priority: Urgent
>To: <rddp at ietf.org>
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Nov 2007 12:44:23.0089 (UTC)
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>Cc: Black_David at emc.com
>Subject: [rddp] RFCs 5040-5045 and the RDDP WG
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>id FAA05698
>With the publication of RFCs 5040-5045, the program of
>work of the RDDP Working Group has been completed.
>I would like to thank all the authors and WG members for
>their hard work and support in producing the RFCs for
>the RDDP protocols.  This has been an adventure, and it's
>been my privilege to serve as the chair of this WG.
>There will be an announcement shortly that the RDDP Working
>Group is being closed because it has finished its program
>of work.  The rddp at ietf.org mailing list will remain open
>and active for the time being - there has been very little
>activity on the list recently, and the list is like to be
>closed down around the end of this year if there is
>little to no activity.
>Congratulations to all and many thanks,
>David L. Black, Distinguished Engineer
>EMC Corporation, 176 South St., Hopkinton, MA  01748
>+1 (508) 293-7953             FAX: +1 (508) 293-7786
>black_david at emc.com        Mobile: +1 (978) 394-7754
>rddp mailing list
>rddp at ietf.org
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