[ofa-general] [openSM] Pkey index and Pkey value

Keshetti Mahesh keshetti85-student at yahoo.co.in
Mon Nov 12 00:45:12 PST 2007

If I load the below partition configuration file using openSM,

Default=0x7fff : ALL, SELF=full ;
Partition1 = 0x0001 : 0x1234=full, 0x5678=limi, 0x9012 ;
Partition2 = 0x0002 : 0x2468=full, 0x5678=limi, 0x9012 ;

I am finding the pkey value 0x0002 at the pkey index 2 in the ports
with guids 0x5678 and 0x9012 where as port with guid 0x2468 has the
same pkey value i.e.0x0002 at different pkey index i.e. 1.
Shouldn't the pkey value 0x0002 be loaded at the pkey index 2 in the
port with guid 0x2468?


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