[ofa-general] disconnect issues/questions

Or Gerlitz or.gerlitz at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 23:58:17 PST 2007

Sean, I am quite sure we discussed at least part of this in the past,
but I fail to find it. Anyway, looking on librdmacm code I am not
clear about the following:

A) it seems that other than some error handling code, only the flow of
rdma_disconnect() and RDMA_CM_EVENT_REJECTED move the QP associated
with this ID to the ERROR state. From that I conclude that in order to
get flushes on all the WR posted to the QP one must call
rdma_disconnect() in both sides of the connection. Am I right, is this
what we want? if yes, lets document this.

B) will RDMA_CM_EVENT_DISCONNECTED event would --always-- be generated
also for the side that called rdma_disconnect()? in both cases (yes
and no), we need to document this.

thanks (and see you tomorrow...)


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