[ofa-general] [PATCH] opensm: support multiple routers in a subnet

Jason Gunthorpe jgunthorpe at obsidianresearch.com
Sat Nov 17 12:33:27 PST 2007

On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 01:08:40AM -0700, Rolf Manderscheid wrote:

> If a path record query is made for an off-subnet DGID, the SA needs to
> return a path record where the DLID points to the router port that
> handles the DGID prefix.  In the case of a subnet with only one
> router, the SA could just pick "the router", and that's exactly what
> the ROUTER_EXP code did.  However, ROUTER_EXP did not look beyond the
> first available router.

One thing we learned during the show is that the format of this file
should be improved slightly. I suggest copying the usual linux 'ip
route' syntax

2001::/64 via fe80::xxx:xxxx:xxxx

The important thing is adding the prefix bits, but also normalzing the
information to match IPv6 convections. In future other keywords beyond
'via' could be added, like 'mut' and or so on.

The special word 'default' means ::/0


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