[ofa-general] [PATCH] opensm: move osm_state_mgr dumpers to osm_dump.c

Sasha Khapyorsky sashak at voltaire.com
Sat Oct 13 14:03:57 PDT 2007

This moves osm_state_mgr dumpers (__osm_topology_file_create() and
__osm_state_mgr_report()) to osm_dump.c.

Signed-off-by: Sasha Khapyorsky <sashak at voltaire.com>
 opensm/opensm/osm_dump.c      |  223 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 opensm/opensm/osm_state_mgr.c |  329 -----------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 329 deletions(-)

diff --git a/opensm/opensm/osm_dump.c b/opensm/opensm/osm_dump.c
index 7935c16..b7d99b2 100644
--- a/opensm/opensm/osm_dump.c
+++ b/opensm/opensm/osm_dump.c
@@ -370,6 +370,213 @@ static void dump_ucast_lfts(cl_map_item_t * p_map_item, void *cxt)
 	fprintf(file, "%u lids dumped\n", max_lid);
+static void dump_topology_node(cl_map_item_t * p_map_item, void *cxt)
+	osm_node_t *p_node = (osm_node_t *) p_map_item;
+	FILE *file = ((struct dump_context *)cxt)->file;
+	uint32_t cPort;
+	osm_node_t *p_nbnode;
+	osm_physp_t *p_physp, *p_default_physp, *p_rphysp;
+	uint8_t link_speed_act;
+	if (!p_node->node_info.num_ports)
+		return;
+	for (cPort = 1; cPort < osm_node_get_num_physp(p_node); cPort++) {
+		uint8_t port_state;
+		p_physp = osm_node_get_physp_ptr(p_node, cPort);
+		if (!osm_physp_is_valid(p_physp))
+			continue;
+		p_rphysp = p_physp->p_remote_physp;
+		if (!p_rphysp || !osm_physp_is_valid(p_rphysp))
+			continue;
+		CL_ASSERT(cPort == p_physp->port_num);
+		if (p_node->node_info.node_type == IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH)
+			p_default_physp = osm_node_get_physp_ptr(p_node, 0);
+		else
+			p_default_physp = p_physp;
+		fprintf(file, "{ %s%s Ports:%02X"
+			" SystemGUID:%016" PRIx64
+			" NodeGUID:%016" PRIx64
+			" PortGUID:%016" PRIx64
+			" VenID:%06X DevID:%04X Rev:%08X {%s} LID:%04X PN:%02X } ",
+			p_node->node_info.node_type == IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH ?
+			"SW" : p_node->node_info.node_type ==
+			IB_NODE_TYPE_CA ? "CA" : p_node->node_info.node_type ==
+			IB_NODE_TYPE_ROUTER ? "Rt" : "**",
+			p_default_physp->port_info.base_lid ==
+			p_default_physp->port_info.
+			master_sm_base_lid ? "-SM" : "",
+			p_node->node_info.num_ports,
+			cl_ntoh64(p_node->node_info.sys_guid),
+			cl_ntoh64(p_node->node_info.node_guid),
+			cl_ntoh64(p_physp->port_guid),
+			cl_ntoh32(ib_node_info_get_vendor_id
+				  (&p_node->node_info)),
+			cl_ntoh16(p_node->node_info.device_id),
+			cl_ntoh32(p_node->node_info.revision),
+			p_node->print_desc,
+			cl_ntoh16(p_default_physp->port_info.base_lid), cPort);
+		p_nbnode = p_rphysp->p_node;
+		if (p_nbnode->node_info.node_type == IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH)
+			p_default_physp = osm_node_get_physp_ptr(p_nbnode, 0);
+		else
+			p_default_physp = p_rphysp;
+		fprintf(file, "{ %s%s Ports:%02X"
+			" SystemGUID:%016" PRIx64
+			" NodeGUID:%016" PRIx64
+			" PortGUID:%016" PRIx64
+			" VenID:%08X DevID:%04X Rev:%08X {%s} LID:%04X PN:%02X } ",
+			p_nbnode->node_info.node_type == IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH ?
+			"SW" : p_nbnode->node_info.node_type ==
+			IB_NODE_TYPE_CA ? "CA" :
+			p_nbnode->node_info.node_type == IB_NODE_TYPE_ROUTER ?
+			"Rt" : "**",
+			p_default_physp->port_info.base_lid ==
+			p_default_physp->port_info.
+			master_sm_base_lid ? "-SM" : "",
+			p_nbnode->node_info.num_ports,
+			cl_ntoh64(p_nbnode->node_info.sys_guid),
+			cl_ntoh64(p_nbnode->node_info.node_guid),
+			cl_ntoh64(p_rphysp->port_guid),
+			cl_ntoh32(ib_node_info_get_vendor_id
+				  (&p_nbnode->node_info)),
+			cl_ntoh32(p_nbnode->node_info.device_id),
+			cl_ntoh32(p_nbnode->node_info.revision),
+			p_nbnode->print_desc,
+			cl_ntoh16(p_default_physp->port_info.base_lid),
+			p_rphysp->port_num);
+		port_state = ib_port_info_get_port_state(&p_physp->port_info);
+		link_speed_act =
+		    ib_port_info_get_link_speed_active(&p_physp->port_info);
+		fprintf(file, "PHY=%s LOG=%s SPD=%s\n",
+			p_physp->port_info.link_width_active == 1 ? "1x" :
+			p_physp->port_info.link_width_active == 2 ? "4x" :
+			p_physp->port_info.link_width_active == 8 ? "12x" :
+			"??",
+			port_state == IB_LINK_ACTIVE ? "ACT" :
+			port_state == IB_LINK_ARMED ? "ARM" :
+			port_state == IB_LINK_INIT ? "INI" : "DWN",
+			link_speed_act == 1 ? "2.5" :
+			link_speed_act == 2 ? "5" :
+			link_speed_act == 4 ? "10" : "??");
+	}
+static void print_node_report(cl_map_item_t * p_map_item, void *cxt)
+	osm_node_t *p_node = (osm_node_t *) p_map_item;
+	osm_opensm_t *osm = ((struct dump_context *)cxt)->p_osm;
+	osm_log_t *log = &osm->log;
+	const osm_physp_t *p_physp, *p_remote_physp;
+	const ib_port_info_t *p_pi;
+	uint8_t port_num;
+	uint32_t num_ports;
+	uint8_t node_type;
+	if (osm_log_is_active(log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG))
+		osm_log(log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG, "__osm_state_mgr_report: "
+			"Processing node 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n",
+			cl_ntoh64(osm_node_get_node_guid(p_node)));
+	node_type = osm_node_get_type(p_node);
+	num_ports = osm_node_get_num_physp(p_node);
+	port_num = node_type == IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH ? 0 : 1;
+	for (; port_num < num_ports; port_num++) {
+		p_physp = osm_node_get_physp_ptr(p_node, port_num);
+		if (!osm_physp_is_valid(p_physp))
+			continue;
+		osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, "%-11s : %s : %02X :",
+			       osm_get_manufacturer_str(cl_ntoh64
+							(osm_node_get_node_guid
+							 (p_node))),
+			       osm_get_node_type_str_fixed_width
+			       (node_type), port_num);
+		p_pi = &p_physp->port_info;
+		/*
+		 * Port state is not defined for switch port 0
+		 */
+		if (port_num == 0)
+			osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, "     :");
+		else
+			osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, " %s :",
+				       osm_get_port_state_str_fixed_width
+				       (ib_port_info_get_port_state(p_pi)));
+		/*
+		 * LID values are only meaningful in select cases.
+		 */
+		if (ib_port_info_get_port_state(p_pi) != IB_LINK_DOWN
+		    && ((node_type == IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH && port_num == 0)
+			|| node_type != IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH))
+			osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, " %04X :  %01X  :",
+				       cl_ntoh16(p_pi->base_lid),
+				       ib_port_info_get_lmc(p_pi));
+		else
+			osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, "      :     :");
+		if (port_num != 0)
+			osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, " %s : %s : %s ",
+				       osm_get_mtu_str
+				       (ib_port_info_get_neighbor_mtu(p_pi)),
+				       osm_get_lwa_str(p_pi->link_width_active),
+				       osm_get_lsa_str
+				       (ib_port_info_get_link_speed_active
+					(p_pi)));
+		else
+			osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+				       "      :     :     ");
+		if (osm_physp_get_port_guid(p_physp) == osm->subn.sm_port_guid)
+			osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+				       "* %016" PRIx64 " *",
+				       cl_ntoh64(osm_physp_get_port_guid
+						 (p_physp)));
+		else
+			osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+				       ": %016" PRIx64 " :",
+				       cl_ntoh64(osm_physp_get_port_guid
+						 (p_physp)));
+		if (port_num
+		    && (ib_port_info_get_port_state(p_pi) != IB_LINK_DOWN)) {
+			p_remote_physp = osm_physp_get_remote(p_physp);
+			if (p_remote_physp
+			    && osm_physp_is_valid(p_remote_physp))
+				osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+					       " %016" PRIx64 " (%02X)",
+					       cl_ntoh64
+					       (osm_physp_get_port_guid
+						(p_remote_physp)),
+					       osm_physp_get_port_num
+					       (p_remote_physp));
+			else
+				osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+					       " UNKNOWN");
+		}
+		osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, "\n");
+	}
+	osm_log_printf(log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+		       "------------------------------------------------------"
+		       "------------------------------------------------\n");
 static void dump_qmap(osm_opensm_t * p_osm, FILE * file,
@@ -410,6 +617,18 @@ static void dump_qmap_to_file(osm_opensm_t * p_osm, const char *file_name,
+static void print_report(osm_opensm_t * osm)
+	osm_log_printf(&osm->log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
+		       "\n==================================================="
+		       "===================================================="
+		       "\nVendor      : Ty "
+		       ": #  : Sta : LID  : LMC : MTU  : LWA : LSA : Port GUID    "
+		       "    : Neighbor Port (Port #)\n");
+	dump_qmap(osm, NULL, &osm->subn.node_guid_tbl, print_node_report);
 void osm_dump_mcast_routes(osm_opensm_t * osm)
 	if (osm_log_is_active(&osm->log, OSM_LOG_ROUTING)) {
@@ -436,4 +655,8 @@ void osm_dump_all(osm_opensm_t * osm)
 		dump_qmap_to_file(osm, "opensm.mcfdbs",
 				  &osm->subn.sw_guid_tbl, dump_mcast_routes);
+	dump_qmap_to_file(osm, "opensm-subnet.lst", &osm->subn.node_guid_tbl,
+			  dump_topology_node);
+	if (osm_log_is_active(&osm->log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE))
+		print_report(osm);
diff --git a/opensm/opensm/osm_state_mgr.c b/opensm/opensm/osm_state_mgr.c
index cd1e4c0..d0ce37d 100644
--- a/opensm/opensm/osm_state_mgr.c
+++ b/opensm/opensm/osm_state_mgr.c
@@ -69,8 +69,6 @@
 #include <opensm/osm_inform.h>
 #include <opensm/osm_opensm.h>
-#define SUBNET_LIST_FILENAME "/opensm-subnet.lst"
 osm_signal_t osm_qos_setup(IN osm_opensm_t * p_osm);
@@ -988,331 +986,6 @@ static ib_api_status_t __osm_state_mgr_light_sweep_start(IN osm_state_mgr_t *
-static void __osm_topology_file_create(IN osm_state_mgr_t * const p_mgr)
-	const osm_node_t *p_node;
-	char *file_name;
-	FILE *rc;
-	OSM_LOG_ENTER(p_mgr->p_log, __osm_topology_file_create);
-	CL_PLOCK_ACQUIRE(p_mgr->p_lock);
-	file_name = (char *)malloc(strlen(p_mgr->p_subn->opt.dump_files_dir)
-				   + strlen(SUBNET_LIST_FILENAME) + 1);
-	CL_ASSERT(file_name);
-	strcpy(file_name, p_mgr->p_subn->opt.dump_files_dir);
-	strcat(file_name, SUBNET_LIST_FILENAME);
-	if ((rc = fopen(file_name, "w")) == NULL) {
-		osm_log(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG,
-			"__osm_topology_file_create: "
-			"fopen failed for file:%s\n", file_name);
-		CL_PLOCK_RELEASE(p_mgr->p_lock);
-		goto Exit;
-	}
-	p_node = (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_mgr->p_subn->node_guid_tbl);
-	while (p_node !=
-	       (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_mgr->p_subn->node_guid_tbl)) {
-		if (p_node->node_info.num_ports) {
-			uint32_t cPort;
-			osm_node_t *p_nbnode;
-			osm_physp_t *p_physp;
-			osm_physp_t *p_default_physp;
-			osm_physp_t *p_rphysp;
-			uint8_t link_speed_act;
-			for (cPort = 1; cPort < osm_node_get_num_physp(p_node);
-			     cPort++) {
-				uint8_t port_state;
-				p_physp = osm_node_get_physp_ptr(p_node, cPort);
-				if (!osm_physp_is_valid(p_physp))
-					continue;
-				p_rphysp = p_physp->p_remote_physp;
-				if ((p_rphysp == NULL)
-				    || (!osm_physp_is_valid(p_rphysp)))
-					continue;
-				CL_ASSERT(cPort == p_physp->port_num);
-				if (p_node->node_info.node_type ==
-					p_default_physp =
-					    osm_node_get_physp_ptr(p_node, 0);
-				} else {
-					p_default_physp = p_physp;
-				}
-				fprintf(rc, "{ %s%s Ports:%02X"
-					" SystemGUID:%016" PRIx64
-					" NodeGUID:%016" PRIx64
-					" PortGUID:%016" PRIx64
-					" VenID:%06X DevID:%04X Rev:%08X {%s} LID:%04X PN:%02X } ",
-					(p_node->node_info.node_type ==
-					 IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH) ? "SW" : (p_node->
-									node_info.
-									node_type
-									==
-									IB_NODE_TYPE_CA)
-					? "CA" : (p_node->node_info.node_type ==
-						  IB_NODE_TYPE_ROUTER) ? "Rt" :
-					"**",
-					(p_default_physp->port_info.base_lid ==
-					 p_default_physp->port_info.
-					 master_sm_base_lid) ? "-SM" : "",
-					p_node->node_info.num_ports,
-					cl_ntoh64(p_node->node_info.sys_guid),
-					cl_ntoh64(p_node->node_info.node_guid),
-					cl_ntoh64(p_physp->port_guid),
-					cl_ntoh32(ib_node_info_get_vendor_id
-						  (&p_node->node_info)),
-					cl_ntoh16(p_node->node_info.device_id),
-					cl_ntoh32(p_node->node_info.revision),
-					p_node->print_desc,
-					cl_ntoh16(p_default_physp->port_info.
-						  base_lid), cPort);
-				p_nbnode = p_rphysp->p_node;
-				if (p_nbnode->node_info.node_type ==
-					p_default_physp =
-					    osm_node_get_physp_ptr(p_nbnode, 0);
-				} else {
-					p_default_physp = p_rphysp;
-				}
-				fprintf(rc, "{ %s%s Ports:%02X"
-					" SystemGUID:%016" PRIx64
-					" NodeGUID:%016" PRIx64
-					" PortGUID:%016" PRIx64
-					" VenID:%08X DevID:%04X Rev:%08X {%s} LID:%04X PN:%02X } ",
-					(p_nbnode->node_info.node_type ==
-					: (p_nbnode->node_info.node_type ==
-					   IB_NODE_TYPE_CA) ? "CA" : (p_nbnode->
-								      node_info.
-								      node_type
-								      ==
-								      IB_NODE_TYPE_ROUTER)
-					? "Rt" : "**",
-					(p_default_physp->port_info.base_lid ==
-					 p_default_physp->port_info.
-					 master_sm_base_lid) ? "-SM" : "",
-					p_nbnode->node_info.num_ports,
-					cl_ntoh64(p_nbnode->node_info.sys_guid),
-					cl_ntoh64(p_nbnode->node_info.
-						  node_guid),
-					cl_ntoh64(p_rphysp->port_guid),
-					cl_ntoh32(ib_node_info_get_vendor_id
-						  (&p_nbnode->node_info)),
-					cl_ntoh32(p_nbnode->node_info.
-						  device_id),
-					cl_ntoh32(p_nbnode->node_info.revision),
-					p_nbnode->print_desc,
-					cl_ntoh16(p_default_physp->port_info.
-						  base_lid),
-					p_rphysp->port_num);
-				port_state =
-				    ib_port_info_get_port_state(&p_physp->
-								port_info);
-				link_speed_act =
-				    ib_port_info_get_link_speed_active
-				    (&p_physp->port_info);
-				fprintf(rc, "PHY=%s LOG=%s SPD=%s\n",
-					(p_physp->port_info.link_width_active ==
-					 1) ? "1x" : (p_physp->port_info.
-						      link_width_active ==
-						      2) ? "4x" : (p_physp->
-								   port_info.
-								   link_width_active
-								   ==
-								   8) ? "12x" :
-					"??",
-					((port_state ==
-					  IB_LINK_ACTIVE) ? "ACT" : (port_state
-								     ==
-								     IB_LINK_ARMED)
-					 ? "ARM" : (port_state ==
-						    IB_LINK_INIT) ? "INI" :
-					 "DWN"),
-					(link_speed_act ==
-					 1) ? "2.5" : (link_speed_act ==
-						       2) ? "5"
-					: (link_speed_act == 4) ? "10" : "??");
-			}
-		}
-		p_node = (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_node->map_item);
-	}
-	CL_PLOCK_RELEASE(p_mgr->p_lock);
-	fclose(rc);
-      Exit:
-	free(file_name);
-	OSM_LOG_EXIT(p_mgr->p_log);
- **********************************************************************/
-static void __osm_state_mgr_report(IN osm_state_mgr_t * const p_mgr)
-	const cl_qmap_t *p_tbl;
-	const osm_node_t *p_node;
-	const osm_physp_t *p_physp;
-	const osm_physp_t *p_remote_physp;
-	const ib_port_info_t *p_pi;
-	uint8_t port_num;
-	uint32_t num_ports;
-	uint8_t node_type;
-	if (!osm_log_is_active(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE))
-		return;
-	OSM_LOG_ENTER(p_mgr->p_log, __osm_state_mgr_report);
-	osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-		       "\n==================================================="
-		       "===================================================="
-		       "\nVendor      : Ty "
-		       ": #  : Sta : LID  : LMC : MTU  : LWA : LSA : Port GUID    "
-		       "    : Neighbor Port (Port #)\n");
-	p_tbl = &p_mgr->p_subn->node_guid_tbl;
-	/*
-	 * Hold lock non-exclusively while we perform these read-only operations.
-	 */
-	CL_PLOCK_ACQUIRE(p_mgr->p_lock);
-	p_node = (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_head(p_tbl);
-	while (p_node != (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_end(p_tbl)) {
-		if (osm_log_is_active(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG))
-			osm_log(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_DEBUG,
-				"__osm_state_mgr_report: "
-				"Processing node 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n",
-				cl_ntoh64(osm_node_get_node_guid(p_node)));
-		node_type = osm_node_get_type(p_node);
-		num_ports = osm_node_get_num_physp(p_node);
-		port_num = node_type == IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH ? 0 : 1;
-		for (; port_num < num_ports; port_num++) {
-			p_physp = osm_node_get_physp_ptr(p_node, port_num);
-			if (!osm_physp_is_valid(p_physp))
-				continue;
-			osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-				       "%-11s : %s : %02X :",
-				       osm_get_manufacturer_str(cl_ntoh64
-								(osm_node_get_node_guid
-								 (p_node))),
-				       osm_get_node_type_str_fixed_width
-				       (node_type), port_num);
-			p_pi = &p_physp->port_info;
-			/*
-			 * Port state is not defined for switch port 0
-			 */
-			if (port_num == 0)
-				osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-					       "     :");
-			else
-				osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-					       " %s :",
-					       osm_get_port_state_str_fixed_width
-					       (ib_port_info_get_port_state
-						(p_pi)));
-			/*
-			 * LID values are only meaningful in select cases.
-			 */
-			if (ib_port_info_get_port_state(p_pi) != IB_LINK_DOWN
-			    &&
-			    ((node_type == IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH && port_num == 0)
-			     || node_type != IB_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH))
-				osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-					       " %04X :  %01X  :",
-					       cl_ntoh16(p_pi->base_lid),
-					       ib_port_info_get_lmc(p_pi));
-			else
-				osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-					       "      :     :");
-			if (port_num != 0)
-				osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-					       " %s : %s : %s ",
-					       osm_get_mtu_str
-					       (ib_port_info_get_neighbor_mtu
-						(p_pi)),
-					       osm_get_lwa_str(p_pi->
-							       link_width_active),
-					       osm_get_lsa_str
-					       (ib_port_info_get_link_speed_active
-						(p_pi)));
-			else
-				osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-					       "      :     :     ");
-			if (osm_physp_get_port_guid(p_physp) ==
-			    p_mgr->p_subn->sm_port_guid)
-				osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-					       "* %016" PRIx64 " *",
-					       cl_ntoh64(osm_physp_get_port_guid
-							 (p_physp)));
-			else
-				osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-					       ": %016" PRIx64 " :",
-					       cl_ntoh64(osm_physp_get_port_guid
-							 (p_physp)));
-			if (port_num
-			    && (ib_port_info_get_port_state(p_pi) !=
-				IB_LINK_DOWN)) {
-				p_remote_physp = osm_physp_get_remote(p_physp);
-				if (p_remote_physp
-				    && osm_physp_is_valid(p_remote_physp))
-					osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log,
-						       OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-						       " %016" PRIx64 " (%02X)",
-						       cl_ntoh64
-						       (osm_physp_get_port_guid
-							(p_remote_physp)),
-						       osm_physp_get_port_num
-						       (p_remote_physp));
-				else
-					osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log,
-						       OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-						       " UNKNOWN");
-			}
-			osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE, "\n");
-		}
-		osm_log_printf(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE,
-			       "------------------------------------------------------"
-			       "------------------------------------------------\n");
-		p_node = (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_node->map_item);
-	}
-	CL_PLOCK_RELEASE(p_mgr->p_lock);
-	OSM_LOG_EXIT(p_mgr->p_log);
- **********************************************************************/
 static void __process_idle_time_queue_done(IN osm_state_mgr_t * const p_mgr)
 	cl_qlist_t *p_list = &p_mgr->idle_time_list;
@@ -2636,9 +2309,7 @@ void osm_state_mgr_process(IN osm_state_mgr_t * const p_mgr,
 					p_mgr->p_subn->need_update = 0;
-					__osm_topology_file_create(p_mgr);
-					__osm_state_mgr_report(p_mgr);
 					if (osm_log_is_active(p_mgr->p_log, OSM_LOG_VERBOSE))

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