[ofa-general] ***SPAM*** [query] Multipath discovery in openSM

keshetti85-student at yahoo.co.in keshetti85-student at yahoo.co.in
Fri Sep 21 00:24:08 PDT 2007

What is the exact significance of the configurable option LMC
in the opensm.conf file? 
If there are multiple paths between two end nodes in a network and I set
the LMC > 0 then whether the openSM itself identifies those routes and 
updates the switch forwarding tables or is it the duty of some other consumer ??

And after configuring multiple paths between end nodes, how exactly they are used for 
path redundancy and load sharing. Again is it the duty of the openSM (in case any SM)
or the application?

PS: Please CC your valuable responses to my e-mail address.


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