Fw: [ofa-general] Re: [query] Multi path discovery in openSM

Keshetti Mahesh keshetti.mahesh at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 02:24:02 PDT 2007

> The sharing paths is orthogonal to the min-hop requirement.
> The min-hop requirements is a common way to avoid routing loops.
> All algorithms I know are using it.
> Even with that requirement there regularly multiple paths from A to B
>  available both for fat-tree or mesh/tori topologies.

Thanks for clarifying it. Now, I can see that openSM supports four different
algorithms(Min-hop being the default). Depending on the physical network
topology whether the openSM decides the routing policy on its own or one
has to configure openSM's routing algorithm before starting it. Is there any
document describing which algorithm should be used when? And is there
document describing the current openSM routing algorithms in detail ?


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