[ofa-general] Infiniband and Opensuse 10.3 stock rpms

Diego Guella diego.guella at deviltechnologies.net
Wed Aug 6 04:48:44 PDT 2008

Hi Yevgeny,
Thanks for your answer.

From: "Yevgeny Kliteynik"
> Perhaps you already have opensm on this machine?
> ibstat shows that port state is 'Active'.
> Port cannot reach this state without opensm - it
> should be in 'Init' state w/o opensm.

Ok, you were partially right: I forgot I have another opensm running on 
another wxp64 machine.
So, I created /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-ib0, ifup ib0 and then I 
successfully ping'ed the two machines each other. Good.
I remember the days when I had to download OFED sources, fight to compile 
them, and spend hours to get IPoIB running, and now all of this is ready out 
of the box, in rpms from the distribution, ready to install with the package 
All of you have done a great work. Thanks!!

That said, I really need opensm on this machine, so I will shut down opensm 
on the wxp machine now.

> You can just grep for 'opensm' process, or check
> where opensm is running with 'sminfo' tool.
No opensm process is running on this machine.

sminfo: (while opensm is running on wxp64 machine)
Server19:~ # sminfo
ibpanic: [4969] madrpc_init: can't open UMAD port ((null):0): (No such file 
or directory)
Server19:~ #

/etc/init.d/opensmd start have the same behavior and same errors as when the 
opensm on wxp64 was running.

Do you have other ideas on what can I do to solve this?


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