[ofa-general] Patch for libvendor incompatibility with QLogic SM

Hal Rosenstock hal.rosenstock at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 12:15:46 PST 2008

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Mike Heinz <michael.heinz at qlogic.com> wrote:
>> Shouldn't there be a similar patch for osm_vendor_mlx_sa.c ? I thought you had this originally.
> Yes, originally there was - but from our discussions over the past few days, I thought we were limiting the scope of the change. I've added it back to the patch, and I'm not clear when the mlx version is used in preference to the umad version.

It's not an OpenIB/OpenFabrics thing but it's carried forward in the
OpenSM tree.

>Note that this version no longer sets num_path for LID based queries -

Thanks; I missed that as I didn't look at the line numbers...

> I noticed that those queries are IB_MAD_METHOD_GET, not IB_MAD_METHOD_GETTABLE, so they don't need the attribute.

Right and it wouldn't need num_paths either (as get assumes 1) so I
don't think the changes for OSMV_QUERY_PATH_REC_BY_LIDS in both these
patches are needed.

-- Hal

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