[ofw] RE: [ofa-general] PATCH[2/6] Windows port of libibmad - dump.c

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Fri Dec 19 10:37:51 PST 2008

>> Yes, I did reimplement IBWARN and IBPANIC but the sys_read_* was
>> not used by anything in libibmad or infiniband_diags
>You mean directly, right ?

Yes.  Nothing in the libibmad or infiniband_diags source code calls the
sys_read_* functions.  It's only used by libibumad.  (Hmm... I take back what I
said about merging libibcommon with libibumad then.)

>In Linux, management does not (currently) require verbs but that was a
>design and history choice. Much of it was done prior to verbs and
>there have been discussions on and off over time about using verbs but
>that bridge was never crossed.

On Windows, libibumad uses libibverbs to obtain any information that it needs.
Because libibumad uses a Windows specific MAD layer interface, the libibumad
implementation does not share any code between Windows and Linux.  So, if the
sys_read_* calls were merged directly into libibumad on Linux and kept internal,
then all problems with sys_read_* go away.

- Sean

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