[ofa-general] [PATCH] libibumad: Add sysfs_*() functions to libibumad.map

Sean Hefty sean.hefty at intel.com
Tue Dec 30 20:46:27 PST 2008

>>>> +		sys_read_gid;
>>>> +		sys_read_guid;
>>>> +		sys_read_string;
>>>> +		sys_read_uint;
>>>> +		sys_read_uint64;
>>>> 	local: *;
>>> Why expose these?
>>> - Sean
>>These functions are used by srptools.
>Please don't expose them.  We're trying to port the IB diags and other MAD code
>to Windows.  This is adding OS specific routines to the lowest layer.  What
>values does srptools actually need?

There's also this helper function in libibverbs that may be usable instead:

int ibv_read_sysfs_file(const char *dir, const char *file,
			char *buf, size_t size);

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