[ofa-general] Obtaining RDMA statistics for an InfiniBand interface

Ira Weiny weiny2 at llnl.gov
Tue Mar 18 09:26:03 PDT 2008

On Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:13:11 -0700
Hal Rosenstock <hrosenstock at xsigo.com> wrote:

> Eli,
> On Tue, 2008-03-18 at 15:06 +0200, Eli Cohen wrote:
> > Hal, can you explain the mechanism that can be used to get counter
> > values larger than 32 bits? I see that the IB spec defines the counters
> > as 32 bits.
> Polling (at a configurable rate), clearing above some threshold, and
> aggregation into larger counters on the manager side.  For OpenSM, see
> perf-manager-arch.txt or the current implementation: osm_perfmgr.c and
> osm_perfmgr_db.c

./configure --help
  --enable-perf-mgr Enable the performance manager (default no)

./opensm --help
           Start with PerfMgr enabled.

--perfmgr_sweep_time_s <sec.>
           PerfMgr sweep interval in seconds.


Run opensm with the console for more control of the perfmgr and to dump the

OpenSM $ help perfmgr
perfmgr [enable|disable|clear_counters|dump_counters|sweep_time[seconds]]
perfmgr -- print the performance manager state
   [enable|disable] -- change the perfmgr state
   [sweep_time] -- change the perfmgr sweep time (requires [seconds] option)
   [clear_counters] -- clear the counters stored
   [dump_counters [mach]] -- dump the counters (optionally in [mach]ine readable format)
   [print_counters <nodename|nodeguid>] -- print the counters for the specified node
OpenSM $ perfmgr
Performance Manager status:
state                   : Enabled
sweep state             : Sleeping
sweep time              : 180s
outstanding queries/max : 0/500
loaded event plugin     : opensmskummeeplugin

Dump counters dumps to the file configured in opensm.opts.

# Event DB Options
# Dump file to dump the events to
event_db_dump_file /var/log/opensm_port_counters.log

There is no guarantee against losing counts, however, if you set the sweep time
fast enough it should be pretty accurate.

Hope this helps,

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