[ofa-general] [PATCH 0/5] trap 144, node descriptor change handling.

Ira Weiny weiny2 at llnl.gov
Fri Mar 21 15:51:12 PDT 2008

I have altered these patches based on input from Hal.  There are now 5 of them.

   1) Enhance set_nodedesc.sh
   2) Add optional ibsendtrap test tool and create --enable-test-utils
      configure option
   3) Add mcm_rereg_test to optional test tool config option
      (This also updates the tool to use the new ibmad_gid_t since it would not
      compile otherwise.)
   4) Update OpenSM to respond to node description change flag
   5) Create osm_node_desc.h and move extern declarations into this common

This includes Hal's minor stylistic fixes as well as makes ibsendtrap an
optional testing util, rather than a default diag.


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