[ofa-general] Does IPonIB-CM consolidate connections?

Roland Dreier rdreier at cisco.com
Tue Apr 28 16:15:56 PDT 2009

 > Suppose you have two nodes A & B.
 > Node A opens a connection to B using
 > IPonIB Connected Mode. Later, when B
 > wants to send to A, does the IPonIB-CM
 > code notice that a connection already
 > exists between the two nodes and
 > use it? or does it open a new connection?

If you're talking about the Linux kernel implementation, no it doesn't
reuse existing connections.  It creates a new one.  I don't know about
Solaris or any other OS.

 > Also RFC 4755 section 3.3 talks about
 > how you can deal with crossing REQ
 > messages so you that only end up with
 > one connection. Does OFED IPonIB-CM
 > do this?

Not that I know of.

 - R.

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