[ofa-general] [PATCH] opensm/osm_trap_rcv.c: Use proper flag name in comment

Hal Rosenstock hnrose at comcast.net
Mon Aug 3 10:59:46 PDT 2009

Change force_single_heavy_sweep to force_heavy_sweep
Other cosmetic commentary changes

Signed-off-by: Hal Rosenstock <hal.rosenstock at gmail.com>
diff --git a/opensm/opensm/osm_trap_rcv.c b/opensm/opensm/osm_trap_rcv.c
index 4578ebc..4a6d0ff 100644
--- a/opensm/opensm/osm_trap_rcv.c
+++ b/opensm/opensm/osm_trap_rcv.c
@@ -564,12 +564,12 @@ trap_rcv_process_request(IN osm_sm_t * sm,
 	/* do a sweep if we received a trap */
 	if (sm->p_subn->opt.sweep_on_trap) {
-		/* if this is trap number 128 or run_heavy_sweep is TRUE - update the
-		   force_single_heavy_sweep flag of the subnet.
-		   Sweep also on traps 144/145 - these traps signal a change of a certain
-		   port capability/system image guid.
-		   TODO: In the future we can change this to just getting PortInfo on
-		   this port instead of sweeping the entire subnet. */
+		/* if this is trap number 128 or run_heavy_sweep is TRUE -
+		   update the force_heavy_sweep flag of the subnet.
+		   Sweep also on traps 144/145 - these traps signal a change of 
+		   certain port capabilities/system image guid.
+		   TODO: In the future this can be changed to just getting
+		   PortInfo on this port instead of sweeping the entire subnet. */
 		if (ib_notice_is_generic(p_ntci) &&
 		    (cl_ntoh16(p_ntci->g_or_v.generic.trap_num) == 128 ||
 		     cl_ntoh16(p_ntci->g_or_v.generic.trap_num) == 144 ||

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