[ofa-general] ***SPAM*** debian/ofed-1.4 - mpi global communication performance

Markus Uhlmann mossy.boulders at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 04:38:06 PST 2009

Sorry, the numbers for one of the tests were inserted wrongly. It should be:

***************OUR-SYSTEM /supermicro-qlogic:********************
# OSU MPI All-to-All Personalized Exchange Latency Test v3.1.1
# Size            Latency (us)
1                       137.32
2                       136.23
4                       135.97
8                       135.63
16                      138.00
32                      139.19
64                      139.26
128                     140.06
256                    1770.24
512                    1772.94
1024                   1776.16
2048                   1811.75
4096                    584.51
8192                    746.64
16384                  3927.21
32768                  4576.17
65536                  6052.26
131072                 9898.08
262144                19566.90
524288                37515.47
1048576               74443.69
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