[ofa-general] RE: [ewg] RE: OFED Jan 5, 2009 meeting minutes on OFED plans

Gilad Shainer Shainer at Mellanox.com
Tue Jan 6 18:12:39 PST 2009

We need to look on this from the right angel. This is not a "feature"
but rather a core component that adds support for a new adapter/NIC.
This is the same as the core drivers for the other adapters that are
supported already. 

In general we need to look not only on spec related features, but also
to cover features that can benefit OFED and WinOF users (such as IPoIB
connected mode or WinVerbs).


-----Original Message-----
From: ewg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org
[mailto:ewg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On Behalf Of Ryan, Jim
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 2:01 PM
To: Hefty, Sean; Tziporet Koren; ewg at lists.openfabrics.org
Cc: general at lists.openfabrics.org
Subject: RE: [ewg] RE: OFED Jan 5, 2009 meeting minutes on OFED plans

Sean, I think that's a good point. What it suggests to me is asking when
someone proposes a "non-standard" feature, what process, procedures,
documentation, support, etc. if any, should be made available by the
entity making the proposal?

It seems to me asking the same questions of all proposed features is
fair and reasonable, and shouldn't represent an unreasonable barrier to

Thoughts? If this already exists, it's my ignorance and I will apologize
in advance

Thanks again, Jim 

-----Original Message-----
From: ewg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org
[mailto:ewg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On Behalf Of Sean Hefty
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 1:54 PM
To: 'Tziporet Koren'; ewg at lists.openfabrics.org
Cc: general at lists.openfabrics.org
Subject: [ewg] RE: OFED Jan 5, 2009 meeting minutes on OFED plans

>* Mellanox suggested to add IB over Eth - this is similar to iWARP but 
>more like IB (e.g. including UD), and can work over ConnectX.
>A concern was raised by Intel (Dave Sommers) since it is not a standard

>Decision: This request will be raised in the MWG, and they should 
>decide if OFA can support it.

Just is just my opinion, but in the past, OFED has included non-standard
features, like extended connected mode, that are still not part of the
IBTA spec.

Do we know if such a feature would be accepted into the Linux kernel?  I
think OFED should base their decision more on the answer to that
question than IBTA approval.

- Sean 

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