[ofa-general] Installing nfs-rdma with OFED-1.4.1

Ross Smith myxiplx at googlemail.com
Fri Jun 26 03:35:38 PDT 2009

Hello everyone,

Can anybody help me get nfs-rdma installed on CentOS 5.2 (actually
Citrix XenServer), with OFED-1.4.1?

The default install of OFED doesn't include nfs-rdma, and I'm
struggling to work out which components I do and don't need for a
custom build.

What I would like to include is:
- Core infiniband components
- Drivers for Mellanox Infinihost III Lx (MHES14)
- nfs-rdma
- troubleshooting and diagnostic tools (ibstat, ibtracert, ibswitches,
ibhosts, etc...)

My last attempt was following the instructions from OFED 1.4 - I
edited ofed.conf to add nfsrdma=y, and attempted a default install.
However after running install.pl, that change appears to have been

I am also having problems updating mount.nfs on this machine.  Both
nfs-utils-1.1.6 and nfs-utils-1.2.0 fail to install with the error:
"blkid/blkid.h: No such file or directory", and I cannot yet find a
source for this file.

Finally, my understanding is that nfs-rdma is in beta status for
CentOS 5.2, but I couldn't see any open bugs on the tracker, are there
any issues I should be aware of?



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