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<html><body><table border="2px" bordercolor="#FF7F50" align="center" width="330"><tr align="center"><td bgcolor="#F5F5DC"><b><h3>Crazy me<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> vou </span>di<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> snn </span>ca<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> go </span>tion menu</h3></td></tr></table><br><br><center><font color="#006400"><ul><b><li>Hello, Dear User!</b></ul></font><table align="center" border="1"><tr bgcolor="#FFEBCD"><td>Sorry for interrupting you, but this information<br>is very importent for your purse and family budget!<br>Don't pay a lot for me<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> eu </span>dic<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> pjk </span>ati<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> ldw </span>ons, we offer acceptable pr<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> vk </span>ic<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLO
AT: right; COLOR: white"> sr </span>es.<br>For example, V<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> iaz </span>ia<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> bm </span>gr<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> owa </span>a doesn't cost 160$ for 10 pi<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> xtf </span>ll!</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#F0FFFF"><td>It's deception!</td></tr><tr bgcolor="#F5F5DC"><td>We offer you V<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> iyr </span>ia<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> wz </span>gr<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> avr </span>a (10 pi<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> wu </span>lls x 100 mg) + C<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> eh </span>ia<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> wfz </span>li<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> gbg </span>s (10 p
i<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> lb </span>lls x 20 mg)<br>only for 68.72$ - that's the real pri<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> sk </span>ce.<br>You can see the whole list of m<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> lgb </span>edi<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> lj </span>ca<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> zz </span>tio<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> uwu </span>ns on our si<span style="FONT-SIZE: 2px; FLOAT: right; COLOR: white"> dw </span>te.</td></tr></table><br><br><a href="http://home.graffiti.net/daltrey/"><b>Save your health and money!</b></a></center></body></html>