I am trying to download the ofed_1_3/mangement.git using http. It seems that I do not have the right url<br> <br>I have used the following<br> <br>git clone <a href="http://git.openfabrics.org/ofed_1_3/mangement.git">http://git.openfabrics.org/ofed_1_3/mangement.git</a><br>
<br>git clone "<a href="http://www.openfabrics.org/git/?p=ofed_1_3/management.git;a=tree">http://www.openfabrics.org/git/?p=ofed_1_3/management.git;a=tree</a>"<br> <br>neither have been succesful. Can someone point me to the right url.<br>
<br>I need to use http due to firewall, and I have set proxy with the env variable http_proxy.<br> <br>Thanks,<br>Todd