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<div class="">We are calling a special board meeting for next Thursday, 3/29 at 11am.</div>
<div class="">You should have received an invite moments ago via email and the agenda for that meeting is attached.</div>
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<div class="">Next Thursday is the 5th Thursday of the month, and therefore no OFA meeting would have been scheduled.</div>
<div class="">In an effort to come to closure on the Mission Statement - which appears to have overwhelming support - we will have a Board meeting next Thursday.</div>
<div class="">The agenda for that meeting is attached.</div>
<div class="">The text of the motion to be voted on will be sent via email from Paul Grun in the next few days.</div>
<div class="">By the rules previously agreed to, he is obligated to do that before 11am Mountain on Monday March 26.</div>
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<div class="">The process to re-imagine and re-state the purpose of the OFA at this critical juncture has been constructive and successful.</div>
<div class="">The conversations have spanned several months and several calls, with various and differing opinions voiced.</div>
<div class="">In the end, everyone who has actively participated feels comfortable with the result.</div>
<div class="">If at all possible, please attend this meeting as we need a quorum and a 2/3 vote to approve this change.</div>
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<div class="">Thanx.</div>
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<div class="">JOIN WEBEX MEETING</div>
<div class=""><a href="https://lanl-us.webex.com/lanl-us/j.php?MTID=md9bdcf254c6ba71ff7dbbd6f4cbc0539" class="">https://lanl-us.webex.com/lanl-us/j.php?MTID=md9bdcf254c6ba71ff7dbbd6f4cbc0539</a></div>
<div class="">Meeting number (access code): 804 649 324</div>
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<div class="">JOIN BY PHONE</div>
<div class="">+1-415-655-0002 US Toll</div>
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<div class="">Global call-in numbers:</div>
<div class=""><a href="https://lanl-us.webex.com/lanl-us/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=667642862&tollFree=0" class="">https://lanl-us.webex.com/lanl-us/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=667642862&tollFree=0</a></div>
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================================<br class="">
Susan Coulter<br class="">
LANL / USRC / HPC-DES<br class="">
Network Lead<br class="">
(505) 412-6525<br class="">
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu<br class="">
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