[ofw] opensm stuck upon kill

Hefty, Sean sean.hefty at intel.com
Thu Feb 2 08:28:03 PST 2012

> winmad!WmRegRemoveHandler+0xae is standing here:
> 	WmProviderDeregister(pRegistration->pProvider, pRegistration);
> 	pRegistration->pDevice->IbInterface.destroy_qp(pRegistration->hQp,
> NULL);
> 	pRegistration->pDevice->IbInterface.dealloc_pd(pRegistration->hPd,
> NULL);
> >	pRegistration->pDevice->IbInterface.close_ca(pRegistration->hCa, NULL);
> Could you suggest some idea ?

winmad does not explicitly allocate any address handles.  Can you tell if there are any mads which were not returned to the free pool?  You could try replacing the NULLs in the above code with ib_sync_destroy (unsure of exact name).

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