[ewg] [PATCH 6/14] nes: hardware init

ggrundstrom at neteffect.com ggrundstrom at neteffect.com
Tue Aug 7 18:05:52 PDT 2007

Hardware initialization and interrupt processing

Signed-off-by: Glenn Grundstrom <ggrundstrom at neteffect.com>
diff -Nurp NULL ofa_kernel-1.2/drivers/infiniband/hw/nes/nes_hw.c
--- NULL	1969-12-31 18:00:00.000000000 -0600
+++ ofa_kernel-1.2/drivers/infiniband/hw/nes/nes_hw.c	2007-08-06 20:09:04.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,2653 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 NetEffect, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
+ * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
+ * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
+ * OpenIB.org BSD license below:
+ *
+ *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+ *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+ *     conditions are met:
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer.
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ *        provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
+#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
+#include <linux/ip.h>
+#include <linux/tcp.h>
+#include <linux/if_vlan.h>
+#include "nes.h"
+u32 crit_err_count = 0;
+#include "nes_cm.h"
+#ifdef NES_DEBUG
+static unsigned char *nes_iwarp_state_str[] = {
+	"Non-Existant",
+	"Idle",
+	"RTS",
+	"Closing",
+	"RSVD1",
+	"Terminate",
+	"Error",
+	"RSVD2",
+static unsigned char *nes_tcp_state_str[] = {
+	"Non-Existant",
+	"Closed",
+	"Listen",
+	"SYN Sent",
+	"SYN Rcvd",
+	"Established",
+	"Close Wait",
+	"FIN Wait 1",
+	"Closing",
+	"Last Ack",
+	"FIN Wait 2",
+	"Time Wait",
+	"RSVD1",
+	"RSVD2",
+	"RSVD3",
+	"RSVD4",
+ * nes_init_adapter - initialize adapter
+ */
+struct nes_adapter *nes_init_adapter(struct nes_device *nesdev, u8 hw_rev) {
+	struct nes_adapter *nesadapter = NULL;
+	unsigned long num_pds;
+	u32 u32temp;
+	u32 port_count;
+	u16 max_rq_wrs;
+	u16 max_sq_wrs;
+	u32 max_mr;
+	u32 max_256pbl;
+	u32 max_4kpbl;
+	u32 max_qp;
+	u32 max_irrq;
+	u32 max_cq;
+	u32 hte_index_mask;
+	u32 adapter_size;
+	u32 arp_table_size;
+	u8  OneG_Mode;
+	/* search the list of existing adapters */
+	list_for_each_entry(nesadapter, &nes_adapter_list, list) {
+		dprintk("Searching Adapter list for PCI devfn = 0x%X,"
+				" adapter PCI slot/bus = %u/%u, pci devices PCI slot/bus = %u/%u, .\n",
+				nesdev->pcidev->devfn,
+				PCI_SLOT(nesadapter->devfn),
+				nesadapter->bus_number,
+				PCI_SLOT(nesdev->pcidev->devfn),
+				nesdev->pcidev->bus->number );
+		if ((PCI_SLOT(nesadapter->devfn) == PCI_SLOT(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)) &&
+			(nesadapter->bus_number == nesdev->pcidev->bus->number)) {
+			nesadapter->ref_count++;
+			return(nesadapter);
+		}
+	}
+	/* no adapter found */
+	num_pds = pci_resource_len(nesdev->pcidev, BAR_1) / 4096;
+	if (hw_rev != NE020_REV) {
+		dprintk("%s: NE020 driver detected unknown hardware revision 0x%x\n",
+				__FUNCTION__, hw_rev);
+		return(NULL);
+	}
+	dprintk("%s:%u Determine Soft Reset, QP_control=0x%x, CPU0=0x%x, CPU1=0x%x, CPU2=0x%x\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
+			nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_QP_CONTROL + PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) * 8),
+			nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_INT_CPU_STATUS),
+			nes_read_indexed(nesdev, 0x00A4),
+			nes_read_indexed(nesdev, 0x00A8));
+		dprintk("%s: Reset and init NE020\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		if ((port_count = nes_reset_adapter_ne020(nesdev, &OneG_Mode)) == 0) {
+			return(NULL);
+		}
+		if (nes_init_serdes(nesdev, port_count)) {
+			return(NULL);
+		}
+		nes_init_csr_ne020(nesdev, hw_rev, port_count);
+	/* Setup and enable the periodic timer */
+	nesdev->et_rx_coalesce_usecs_irq = interrupt_mod_interval;
+	if (nesdev->et_rx_coalesce_usecs_irq) {
+		nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_PERIODIC_CONTROL, 0x80000000 |
+				((u32)(nesdev->et_rx_coalesce_usecs_irq * 8)));
+	} else {
+		nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_PERIODIC_CONTROL, 0x00000000);
+	}
+	max_qp = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_QP_CTX_SIZE);
+	dprintk("%s: QP_CTX_SIZE=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, max_qp);
+	u32temp = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_QUAD_HASH_TABLE_SIZE);
+	if (max_qp > ((u32)1 << (u32temp & 0x001f))) {
+		dprintk("Reducing Max QPs to %u due to hash table size = 0x%08X\n",
+				max_qp, u32temp);
+		max_qp = (u32)1 << (u32temp & 0x001f);
+	}
+	hte_index_mask = ((u32)1 << ((u32temp & 0x001f)+1))-1;
+	dprintk("Max QP = %u, hte_index_mask = 0x%08X.\n", max_qp, hte_index_mask);
+	u32temp = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_IRRQ_COUNT);
+	max_irrq = 1 << (u32temp & 0x001f);
+	if (max_qp > max_irrq) {
+		max_qp = max_irrq;
+		dprintk("Reducing Max QPs to %u due to Available Q1s.\n", max_qp);
+	}
+	/* there should be no reason to allocate more pds than qps */
+	if (num_pds > max_qp)
+		num_pds = max_qp;
+	u32temp = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_MRT_SIZE);
+	max_mr = (u32)8192 << (u32temp & 0x7);
+	u32temp = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_PBL_REGION_SIZE);
+	max_256pbl = (u32)1 << (u32temp & 0x0000001f);
+	max_4kpbl = (u32)1 << ((u32temp >> 16) & 0x0000001f);
+	max_cq = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_CQ_CTX_SIZE);
+	u32temp = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ARP_CACHE_SIZE);
+	arp_table_size = 1 << u32temp;
+	adapter_size = (sizeof(struct nes_adapter) +
+			(sizeof(unsigned long)-1)) & (~(sizeof(unsigned long)-1));
+	adapter_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(max_qp);
+	adapter_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(max_mr);
+	adapter_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(max_cq);
+	adapter_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(num_pds);
+	adapter_size += sizeof(unsigned long) * BITS_TO_LONGS(arp_table_size);
+	adapter_size += sizeof(struct nes_qp **) * max_qp;
+	/* allocate a new adapter struct */
+	nesadapter = kmalloc(adapter_size, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (nesadapter == NULL) {
+		return(NULL);
+	}
+	memset(nesadapter, 0, adapter_size);
+	dprintk("Allocating new nesadapter @ %p, size = %u (actual size = %u).\n",
+			nesadapter, (u32)sizeof(struct nes_adapter), adapter_size);
+	/* populate the new nesadapter */
+	nesadapter->devfn = nesdev->pcidev->devfn;
+	nesadapter->bus_number = nesdev->pcidev->bus->number;
+	nesadapter->ref_count = 1;
+	nesadapter->timer_int_req = 0xffff0000;
+	nesadapter->OneG_Mode = OneG_Mode;
+	/* nesadapter->tick_delta = clk_divisor; */
+	nesadapter->hw_rev = hw_rev;
+	nesadapter->port_count = port_count;
+	nesadapter->max_qp = max_qp;
+	nesadapter->hte_index_mask = hte_index_mask;
+	nesadapter->max_irrq = max_irrq;
+	nesadapter->max_mr = max_mr;
+	nesadapter->max_256pbl = max_256pbl - 1;
+	nesadapter->max_4kpbl = max_4kpbl - 1;
+	nesadapter->max_cq = max_cq;
+	nesadapter->free_256pbl = max_256pbl - 1;
+	nesadapter->free_4kpbl = max_4kpbl - 1;
+	nesadapter->max_pd = num_pds;
+	nesadapter->arp_table_size = arp_table_size;
+	nesadapter->base_pd = 1;
+	nesadapter->device_cap_flags =
+	nesadapter->allocated_qps = (unsigned long *)&(((unsigned char *)nesadapter)
+			[(sizeof(struct nes_adapter)+(sizeof(unsigned long)-1))&(~(sizeof(unsigned long)-1))]);
+	nesadapter->allocated_cqs = &nesadapter->allocated_qps[BITS_TO_LONGS(max_qp)];
+	nesadapter->allocated_mrs = &nesadapter->allocated_cqs[BITS_TO_LONGS(max_cq)];
+	nesadapter->allocated_pds = &nesadapter->allocated_mrs[BITS_TO_LONGS(max_mr)];
+	nesadapter->allocated_arps = &nesadapter->allocated_pds[BITS_TO_LONGS(num_pds)];
+	nesadapter->qp_table = (struct nes_qp **)(&nesadapter->allocated_arps[BITS_TO_LONGS(arp_table_size)]);
+	/* mark the usual suspect QPs and CQs as in use */
+	for (u32temp = 0; u32temp < NES_FIRST_QPN; u32temp++) {
+		set_bit(u32temp, nesadapter->allocated_qps);
+		set_bit(u32temp, nesadapter->allocated_cqs);
+	}
+	u32temp = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_QP_MAX_CFG_SIZES);
+	max_rq_wrs = ((u32temp >> 8) & 3);
+	switch (max_rq_wrs) {
+		case 0:
+			max_rq_wrs = 4;
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			max_rq_wrs = 16;
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			max_rq_wrs = 32;
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			max_rq_wrs = 512;
+			break;
+	}
+	max_sq_wrs = (u32temp & 3);
+	switch (max_sq_wrs) {
+		case 0:
+			max_sq_wrs = 4;
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			max_sq_wrs = 16;
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			max_sq_wrs = 32;
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			max_sq_wrs = 512;
+			break;
+	}
+	nesadapter->max_qp_wr = min(max_rq_wrs, max_sq_wrs);
+	dprintk("Max wqes = %u.\n", nesadapter->max_qp_wr);
+	nesadapter->max_irrq_wr = (u32temp >> 16) & 3;
+	dprintk("%s: Max IRRQ wqes = %u.\n", __FUNCTION__, nesadapter->max_irrq_wr);
+	nesadapter->max_sge = 4;
+	nesadapter->max_cqe = 32767;
+	if (nes_read_eeprom_values(nesdev, nesadapter)) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Unable to read EEPROM data.\n");
+		kfree(nesadapter);
+		return(NULL);
+	}
+	u32temp = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_TCP_TIMER_CONFIG);
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_TCP_TIMER_CONFIG,
+			(u32temp & 0xff000000) | (nesadapter->tcp_timer_core_clk_divisor & 0x00ffffff));
+	dprintk("%s: TCP Timer Config0=%08x\n", __FUNCTION__,
+			nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_TCP_TIMER_CONFIG));
+	/* setup port configuration */
+	if (nesadapter->port_count == 1) {
+		u32temp = 0x00000000;
+		if (nes_drv_opt & NES_DRV_OPT_DUAL_LOGICAL_PORT) {
+			nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_TX_POOL_SIZE, 0x00000002);
+		} else {
+			nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_TX_POOL_SIZE, 0x00000003);
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (nesadapter->port_count == 2) {
+			u32temp = 0x00000044;
+		} else {
+			u32temp = 0x000000e4;
+		}
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_TX_POOL_SIZE, 0x00000003);
+	}
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_NIC_LOGPORT_TO_PHYPORT, u32temp);
+	dprintk("%s: Probe time, LOG2PHY=%u\n", __FUNCTION__,
+			nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_NIC_LOGPORT_TO_PHYPORT));
+	spin_lock_init(&nesadapter->resource_lock);
+	spin_lock_init(&nesadapter->phy_lock);
+	init_timer(&nesadapter->mh_timer);
+	nesadapter->mh_timer.function = nes_mh_fix;
+	nesadapter->mh_timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ/5);  /* 1 second */
+	nesadapter->mh_timer.data = (unsigned long)nesdev;
+	add_timer(&nesadapter->mh_timer);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nesadapter->nesvnic_list[0]);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nesadapter->nesvnic_list[1]);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nesadapter->nesvnic_list[2]);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nesadapter->nesvnic_list[3]);
+	list_add_tail(&nesadapter->list, &nes_adapter_list);
+	return(nesadapter);
+ * nes_reset_adapter_ne020
+ */
+unsigned int nes_reset_adapter_ne020(struct nes_device *nesdev, u8 *OneG_Mode)
+	u32 port_count;
+	u32 u32temp;
+	u32 i;
+	u32temp = nes_read32(nesdev->regs+NES_SOFTWARE_RESET);
+	port_count = ((u32temp & 0x00000300) >> 8) + 1;
+	/* TODO: assuming that both SERDES are set the same for now */
+	*OneG_Mode = (u32temp & 0x00003c00) ? 0 : 1;
+	dprintk("%s: Initial Software Reset = 0x%08X, port_count=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, u32temp, port_count);
+	if (*OneG_Mode) {
+		dprintk("%s: Running in 1G mode.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	}
+	u32temp &= 0xff00ffc0;
+	switch (port_count) {
+		case 1:
+			u32temp |= 0x00ee0000;
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			u32temp |= 0x00cc0000;
+			break;
+		case 4:
+			u32temp |= 0x00000000;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return (0);
+			break;
+	}
+	/* check and do full reset if needed */
+	if (nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_QP_CONTROL+(PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)*8))) {
+		dprintk("Issuing Full Soft reset = 0x%08X\n", u32temp | 0xd);
+		nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_SOFTWARE_RESET, u32temp | 0xd);
+		i = 0;
+		while (((nes_read32(nesdev->regs+NES_SOFTWARE_RESET) & 0x00000040) == 0) && i++ < 10000) {
+			mdelay(1);
+		}
+		if (i >= 10000) {
+			dprintk("Did not see full soft reset done.\n");
+			return (0);
+		}
+	}
+	/* port reset */
+	switch (port_count) {
+		case 1:
+			u32temp |= 0x00ee0010;
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			u32temp |= 0x00cc0030;
+			break;
+		case 4:
+			u32temp |= 0x00000030;
+			break;
+	}
+	dprintk("Issuing Port Soft reset = 0x%08X\n", u32temp | 0xd);
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_SOFTWARE_RESET, u32temp | 0xd);
+	i = 0;
+	while (((nes_read32(nesdev->regs+NES_SOFTWARE_RESET) & 0x00000040) == 0) && i++ < 10000) {
+		mdelay(1);
+	}
+	if (i >= 10000) {
+		dprintk("Did not see port soft reset done.\n");
+		return (0);
+	}
+	/* serdes 0 */
+	i = 0;
+	while (((u32temp = (nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_COMMON_STATUS0)
+			& 0x0000000f)) != 0x0000000f) && i++ < 5000) {
+		mdelay(1);
+	}
+	if (i >= 5000) {
+		dprintk("Serdes 0 not ready, status=%x\n", u32temp);
+		return (0);
+	}
+	/* serdes 1 */
+	if (port_count > 1) {
+		i = 0;
+		while (((u32temp = (nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_COMMON_STATUS1)
+				& 0x0000000f)) != 0x0000000f) && i++ < 5000) {
+			mdelay(1);
+		}
+		if (i >= 5000) {
+			dprintk("Serdes 1 not ready, status=%x\n", u32temp);
+			return (0);
+		}
+	}
+	i = 0;
+	while ((nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_INT_CPU_STATUS) != 0x80) && i++ < 10000) {
+		mdelay(1);
+	}
+	dprintk("%s:%u CPU_STATUS loops=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, i);
+	if (i >= 10000) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Internal CPU not ready, status = %02X\n",
+				nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_INT_CPU_STATUS));
+		return (0);
+	}
+	return (port_count);
+ * nes_init_serdes
+ */
+int nes_init_serdes(struct nes_device *nesdev, u8 port_count)
+	int i;
+	u32 u32temp;
+	/* init serdes 0 */
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_COMMON_CONTROL0, 0x00000008);
+	i = 0;
+	while (((u32temp = (nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_COMMON_STATUS0)
+			& 0x0000000f)) != 0x0000000f) && i++ < 5000) {
+		mdelay(1);
+	}
+	if (i >= 5000) {
+		dprintk("Init: serdes 0 not ready, status=%x\n", u32temp);
+		return (1);
+	}
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_TX_EMP0, 0x000bdef7);
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_TX_DRIVE0, 0x9ce73000);
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_RX_MODE0, 0x0ff00000);
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_RX_SIGDET0, 0x00000000);
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_BYPASS0, 0x00000000);
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_LOOPBACK_CONTROL0, 0x00000000);
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_RX_EQ_CONTROL0, 0xf0002222);
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_CDR_CONTROL0, 0x000000ff);
+	if (port_count > 1) {
+		/* init serdes 1 */
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_COMMON_CONTROL1, 0x00000048);
+		i = 0;
+		while (((u32temp = (nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_COMMON_STATUS1) & 0x0000000f)) != 0x0000000f) &&
+			   (i++ < 5000)) {
+			mdelay(1);
+		}
+		if (i >= 5000) {
+			printk("%s: Init: serdes 1 not ready, status=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, u32temp);
+			/* return 1; */
+		}
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_TX_EMP1, 0x000bdef7);
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_TX_DRIVE1, 0x9ce73000);
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_RX_MODE1, 0x0ff00000);
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_RX_SIGDET1, 0x00000000);
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_BYPASS1, 0x00000000);
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_LOOPBACK_CONTROL1, 0x00000000);
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_RX_EQ_CONTROL1, 0xf0002222);
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_CDR_CONTROL1, 0x000000ff);
+	}
+	return (0);
+ * nes_init_csr_ne020
+ * Initialize registers for ne020 hardware
+ */
+void nes_init_csr_ne020(struct nes_device *nesdev, u8 hw_rev, u8 port_count)
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000001E4, 0x00000007);	
+	/* nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000001E8, 0x000208C4); */	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000001E8, 0x00020844);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000001D8, 0x00048002);	
+	/* nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000001D8, 0x0004B002); */  
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000001FC, 0x00050005);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00000600, 0x55555555);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00000604, 0x55555555);	
+	/* TODO: move these MAC register settings to NIC bringup */
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002000, 0x00000001);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002004, 0x00000001);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002008, 0x0000FFFF);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x0000200C, 0x00000001);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002010, 0x000003c1);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x0000201C, 0x75345678);	
+	if (port_count > 1) {
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002200, 0x00000001);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002204, 0x00000001);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002208, 0x0000FFFF);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x0000220C, 0x00000001);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002210, 0x000003c1);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x0000221C, 0x75345678);	
+	}
+	if (port_count > 2) {
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002400, 0x00000001);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002404, 0x00000001);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002408, 0x0000FFFF);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x0000240C, 0x00000001);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002410, 0x000003c1);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x0000241C, 0x75345678);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002600, 0x00000001);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002604, 0x00000001);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002608, 0x0000FFFF);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x0000260C, 0x00000001);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00002610, 0x000003c1);	
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x0000261C, 0x75345678);	
+	}
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00005000, 0x00018000);	
+	/* nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00005000, 0x00010000); */  
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00005004, 0x00020001);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00005008, 0x1F1F1F1F);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00005010, 0x1F1F1F1F);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00005018, 0x1F1F1F1F);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00005020, 0x1F1F1F1F);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00006090, 0xFFFFFFFF);	
+	/* TODO: move this to code, get from EEPROM */
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x00000900, 0x20000001);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000060C0, 0x0000028e);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000060C8, 0x00000020);	
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000001EC, 0x5b2625a0);	
+	/* nes_write_indexed(nesdev, 0x000001EC, 0x5f2625a0); */  
+ * nes_destroy_adapter - destroy the adapter structure
+ */
+void nes_destroy_adapter(struct nes_adapter *nesadapter)
+	struct nes_adapter *tmp_adapter;
+	list_for_each_entry(tmp_adapter, &nes_adapter_list, list) {
+		dprintk("%s: Nes Adapter list entry = 0x%p.\n", __FUNCTION__, tmp_adapter);
+	}
+	nesadapter->ref_count--;
+	if (!nesadapter->ref_count) {
+			del_timer(&nesadapter->mh_timer);
+		dprintk("nes_destroy_adapter: Deleting adapter from adapter list.\n");
+		list_del(&nesadapter->list);
+		dprintk("nes_destroy_adapter: Freeing adapter structure.\n");
+		kfree(nesadapter);
+	}
+	dprintk("%s: Done.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+ * nes_init_cqp
+ */
+int nes_init_cqp(struct nes_device *nesdev)
+	struct nes_adapter *nesadapter = nesdev->nesadapter;
+	struct nes_hw_cqp_qp_context *cqp_qp_context;
+	struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe *cqp_wqe;
+	struct nes_hw_ceq *ceq;
+	struct nes_hw_ceq *nic_ceq;
+	struct nes_hw_aeq *aeq;
+	void *vmem;
+	dma_addr_t pmem;
+	u32 count=0;
+	u32 cqp_head;
+	u64 u64temp;
+	u32 u32temp;
+#define NES_NIC_CEQ_SIZE 8
+/* NICs will be on a separate CQ */
+#define NES_CCEQ_SIZE ((nesadapter->max_cq / nesadapter->port_count) - 32)
+	/* allocate CQP memory */
+	/* Need to add max_cq to the aeq size once cq overflow checking is added back */
+	/* SQ is 512 byte aligned, others are 256 byte aligned */
+	nesdev->cqp_mem_size = 512 +
+			(sizeof(struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe) * NES_CQP_SQ_SIZE) +
+			(sizeof(struct nes_hw_cqe) * NES_CCQ_SIZE) +
+			max(((u32)sizeof(struct nes_hw_ceqe) * NES_CCEQ_SIZE), (u32)256) +
+			max(((u32)sizeof(struct nes_hw_ceqe) * NES_NIC_CEQ_SIZE), (u32)256) +
+			(sizeof(struct nes_hw_aeqe) * nesadapter->max_qp) +
+			sizeof(struct nes_hw_cqp_qp_context);
+	nesdev->cqp_vbase = pci_alloc_consistent(nesdev->pcidev, nesdev->cqp_mem_size,
+			&nesdev->cqp_pbase);
+	if (!nesdev->cqp_vbase) {
+		dprintk(KERN_ERR PFX "Unable to allocate memory for host descriptor rings\n");
+		return(-ENOMEM);
+	}
+	memset(nesdev->cqp_vbase, 0, nesdev->cqp_mem_size);
+	/* Allocate a twice the number of CQP requests as the SQ size */
+	nesdev->nes_cqp_requests = kmalloc(sizeof(struct nes_cqp_request) *
+	if (NULL == nesdev->nes_cqp_requests) {
+		dprintk(KERN_ERR PFX "Unable to allocate memory CQP request entries.\n");
+		pci_free_consistent(nesdev->pcidev, nesdev->cqp_mem_size, nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase,
+				nesdev->cqp.sq_pbase);
+		return(-ENOMEM);
+	}
+	memset(nesdev->nes_cqp_requests, 0, sizeof(struct nes_cqp_request) *
+			2 * NES_CQP_SQ_SIZE);
+	dprintk("Allocated CQP structures at %p (phys = %016lX), size = %u.\n",
+			nesdev->cqp_vbase, (unsigned long)nesdev->cqp_pbase, nesdev->cqp_mem_size);
+	spin_lock_init(&nesdev->cqp.lock);
+	init_waitqueue_head(&nesdev->cqp.waitq);
+	/* Setup Various Structures */
+	vmem = (void *)(((unsigned long long)nesdev->cqp_vbase + (512 - 1)) &
+			~(unsigned long long)(512 - 1));
+	pmem = (dma_addr_t)(((unsigned long long)nesdev->cqp_pbase + (512 - 1)) &
+			~(unsigned long long)(512 - 1));
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase = vmem;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_pbase = pmem;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_size = NES_CQP_SQ_SIZE;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_head = 0;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_tail = 0;
+	nesdev->cqp.qp_id = PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn);
+	dprintk("CQP at %p (phys = %016lX).\n",
+			nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase,	(unsigned long)nesdev->cqp.sq_pbase);
+	vmem += (sizeof(struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe) * nesdev->cqp.sq_size);
+	pmem += (sizeof(struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe) * nesdev->cqp.sq_size);
+	nesdev->ccq.cq_vbase = vmem;
+	nesdev->ccq.cq_pbase = pmem;
+	nesdev->ccq.cq_size = NES_CCQ_SIZE;
+	nesdev->ccq.cq_head = 0;
+	nesdev->ccq.ce_handler = nes_cqp_ce_handler;
+	nesdev->ccq.cq_number = PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn);
+	dprintk("CCQ at %p (phys = %016lX).\n",
+			nesdev->ccq.cq_vbase, (unsigned long)nesdev->ccq.cq_pbase);
+	vmem += (sizeof(struct nes_hw_cqe) * nesdev->ccq.cq_size);
+	pmem += (sizeof(struct nes_hw_cqe) * nesdev->ccq.cq_size);
+	nesdev->ceq_index = PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn);
+	ceq = &nesadapter->ceq[nesdev->ceq_index];
+	ceq->ceq_vbase = vmem;
+	ceq->ceq_pbase = pmem;
+	ceq->ceq_size = NES_CCEQ_SIZE;
+	ceq->ceq_head = 0;
+	dprintk("CEQ at %p (phys = %016lX).\n",
+			ceq->ceq_vbase, (unsigned long)ceq->ceq_pbase);
+	vmem += max(((u32)sizeof(struct nes_hw_ceqe) * ceq->ceq_size), (u32)256);
+	pmem += max(((u32)sizeof(struct nes_hw_ceqe) * ceq->ceq_size), (u32)256);
+	nesdev->nic_ceq_index = PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) + 8;
+	nic_ceq = &nesadapter->ceq[nesdev->nic_ceq_index];
+	nic_ceq->ceq_vbase = vmem;
+	nic_ceq->ceq_pbase = pmem;
+	nic_ceq->ceq_size = NES_NIC_CEQ_SIZE;
+	nic_ceq->ceq_head = 0;
+	dprintk("NIC CEQ at %p (phys = %016lX).\n",
+			nic_ceq->ceq_vbase, (unsigned long)nic_ceq->ceq_pbase);
+	vmem += max(((u32)sizeof(struct nes_hw_ceqe) * nic_ceq->ceq_size), (u32)256);
+	pmem += max(((u32)sizeof(struct nes_hw_ceqe) * nic_ceq->ceq_size), (u32)256);
+	aeq = &nesadapter->aeq[PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)];
+	aeq->aeq_vbase = vmem;
+	aeq->aeq_pbase = pmem;
+	aeq->aeq_size = nesadapter->max_qp;
+	aeq->aeq_head = 0;
+	dprintk("AEQ  at %p (phys = %016lX).\n",
+			aeq->aeq_vbase, (unsigned long)aeq->aeq_pbase);
+	/* Setup QP Context */
+	vmem += (sizeof(struct nes_hw_aeqe) * aeq->aeq_size);
+	pmem += (sizeof(struct nes_hw_aeqe) * aeq->aeq_size);
+	cqp_qp_context = vmem;
+	cqp_qp_context->context_words[0] = (PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) << 12) + (2 << 10);
+	cqp_qp_context->context_words[1] = 0;
+	cqp_qp_context->context_words[2] = (u32)nesdev->cqp.sq_pbase;
+	cqp_qp_context->context_words[3] = ((u64)nesdev->cqp.sq_pbase) >> 32;
+	dprintk("Address of CQP Context = %p.\n", cqp_qp_context);
+	for (count=0;count<4 ; count++) {
+		dprintk("CQP Context, Line %u = %08X.\n",
+				count, cqp_qp_context->context_words[count]);
+	}
+	/* Write the address to Create CQP */
+	if ((sizeof(dma_addr_t) > 4)) {
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev,
+				NES_IDX_CREATE_CQP_HIGH + (PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) * 8),
+				((u64)pmem) >> 32);
+	} else {
+		nes_write_indexed(nesdev,
+				NES_IDX_CREATE_CQP_HIGH + (PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) * 8), 0);
+	}
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev,
+			NES_IDX_CREATE_CQP_LOW + (PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) * 8),
+			(u32)pmem);
+	dprintk("Address of CQP SQ = %p.\n", nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nesdev->cqp_avail_reqs);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nesdev->cqp_pending_reqs);
+	for (count=0; count<2*NES_CQP_SQ_SIZE; count++) {
+		init_waitqueue_head(&nesdev->nes_cqp_requests[count].waitq);
+		list_add_tail(&nesdev->nes_cqp_requests[count].list, &nesdev->cqp_avail_reqs);
+		/* dprintk("Adding cqp request %p to the available list \n",
+				&nesdev->nes_cqp_requests[count]); */
+	}
+	/* Write Create CCQ WQE */
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_CREATE_CQ | NES_CQP_CQ_CEQ_VALID |
+			NES_CQP_CQ_CHK_OVERFLOW | ((u32)nesdev->ccq.cq_size << 16));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(nesdev->ccq.cq_number |
+			((u32)nesdev->ceq_index<<16));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) = &nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	u64temp = (u64)nesdev->ccq.cq_pbase;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_PBL_LOW_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)u64temp);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_PBL_HIGH_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(u64temp >> 32));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	/* TODO: the following 2 lines likely have endian issues */
+	*((struct nes_hw_cq **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_LOW_IDX]) = &nesdev->ccq;
+	*((u64 *)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_LOW_IDX]) >>= 1;
+	dprintk("%s: CQ%u context = 0x%08X:0x%08X.\n", __FUNCTION__, nesdev->ccq.cq_number,
+			cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_HIGH_IDX],
+			cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_LOW_IDX]);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_DOORBELL_INDEX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	/* Write Create CEQ WQE */
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_CREATE_CEQ +
+			((u32)nesdev->ceq_index << 8));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CEQ_WQE_ELEMENT_COUNT_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(ceq->ceq_size);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) = &nesdev->cqp;
+	*((struct nes_cqp_request **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX]) = NULL;
+	u64temp = (u64)ceq->ceq_pbase;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CEQ_WQE_PBL_LOW_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)u64temp);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CEQ_WQE_PBL_HIGH_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(u64temp >> 32));
+	/* Write Create AEQ WQE */
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_CREATE_AEQ +
+			((u32)PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) << 8));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_AEQ_WQE_ELEMENT_COUNT_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(aeq->aeq_size);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) = &nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	u64temp = (u64)aeq->aeq_pbase;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_AEQ_WQE_PBL_LOW_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)u64temp);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_AEQ_WQE_PBL_HIGH_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(u64temp >> 32));
+	/* Write Create CEQ WQE */
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_CREATE_CEQ +
+			((u32)nesdev->nic_ceq_index << 8));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CEQ_WQE_ELEMENT_COUNT_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(nic_ceq->ceq_size);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) = &nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	u64temp = (u64)nic_ceq->ceq_pbase;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CEQ_WQE_PBL_LOW_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)u64temp);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CEQ_WQE_PBL_HIGH_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(u64temp >> 32));
+	/* Poll until CCQP done */
+	count = 0;
+	do {
+		if (count++ > 1000) {
+			printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Error creating CQP\n");
+			pci_free_consistent(nesdev->pcidev, nesdev->cqp_mem_size,
+					nesdev->cqp_vbase, nesdev->cqp_pbase);
+			return(-1);
+		}
+		udelay(10);
+	} while (!(nes_read_indexed(nesdev,
+			NES_IDX_QP_CONTROL + (PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) * 8)) & (1 << 8)));
+	dprintk("CQP Status = 0x%08X\n", nes_read_indexed(nesdev,
+			NES_IDX_QP_CONTROL+(PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)*8)));
+	u32temp = 0x04800000;
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_WQE_ALLOC, u32temp | nesdev->cqp.qp_id);
+	/* wait for the CCQ, CEQ, and AEQ to get created */
+	count = 0;
+	do {
+		if (count++ > 1000) {
+			printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Error creating CCQ, CEQ, and AEQ\n");
+			pci_free_consistent(nesdev->pcidev, nesdev->cqp_mem_size,
+					nesdev->cqp_vbase, nesdev->cqp_pbase);
+			return(-1);
+		}
+		udelay(10);
+	} while (((nes_read_indexed(nesdev,
+			NES_IDX_QP_CONTROL + (PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)*8)) & (15<<8)) != (15<<8)));
+	/* dump the QP status value */
+	dprintk("QP Status = 0x%08X\n", nes_read_indexed(nesdev,
+			NES_IDX_QP_CONTROL+(PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)*8)));
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_tail++;
+	return (0);
+ * nes_destroy_cqp
+ */
+int nes_destroy_cqp(struct nes_device *nesdev)
+	struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe *cqp_wqe;
+	u32 count=0;
+	u32 cqp_head;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	dprintk("Waiting for CQP work to complete.\n");
+	do {
+		if (count++ > 1000)	break;
+		udelay(10);
+	} while (!(nesdev->cqp.sq_head == nesdev->cqp.sq_tail));
+	/* Reset CCQ */
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_CQE_ALLOC, NES_CQE_ALLOC_RESET |
+			nesdev->ccq.cq_number);
+	/* Disable device interrupts */
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_MASK, 0x7fffffff);
+	/* Destroy the AEQ */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_head &= nesdev->cqp.sq_size-1;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_DESTROY_AEQ |
+			((u32)PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)<<8));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	/* Destroy the NIC CEQ */
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_head &= nesdev->cqp.sq_size-1;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_DESTROY_CEQ |
+			((u32)nesdev->nic_ceq_index<<8));
+	/* Destroy the CEQ */
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_head &= nesdev->cqp.sq_size-1;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_DESTROY_CEQ |
+			(nesdev->ceq_index<<8));
+	/* Destroy the CCQ */
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_head &= nesdev->cqp.sq_size-1;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] =  cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_DESTROY_CQ);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] = cpu_to_le32( nesdev->ccq.cq_number ||
+			((u32)nesdev->ceq_index<<16));
+	/* Destroy CQP */
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_head &= nesdev->cqp.sq_size-1;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_DESTROY_QP |
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] =  cpu_to_le32(nesdev->cqp.qp_id);
+	barrier();
+	/* Ring doorbell (4 WQEs) */
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_WQE_ALLOC, 0x05800000 | nesdev->cqp.qp_id);
+	/* Wait for the destroy to complete */
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	/* wait for the CCQ, CEQ, and AEQ to get destroyed */
+	count = 0;
+	do {
+		if (count++ > 1000) {
+			printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Function%d: Error destroying CCQ, CEQ, and AEQ\n",
+					PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn));
+			break;
+		}
+		udelay(10);
+	} while (((nes_read_indexed(nesdev,
+			NES_IDX_QP_CONTROL + (PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)*8)) & (15<<8)) != 0));
+	/* dump the QP status value */
+	dprintk("Function%d: QP Status = 0x%08X\n",
+			PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn),
+			nes_read_indexed(nesdev,
+			NES_IDX_QP_CONTROL+(PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)*8)));
+	kfree(nesdev->nes_cqp_requests);
+	/* Free the control structures */
+	pci_free_consistent(nesdev->pcidev, nesdev->cqp_mem_size, nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase,
+			nesdev->cqp.sq_pbase);
+	return (0);
+ * nes_init_phy
+ */
+int nes_init_phy(struct nes_device *nesdev)
+	struct nes_adapter *nesadapter = nesdev->nesadapter;
+	u32 counter = 0;
+	u32 mac_index = nesdev->mac_index;
+	u16 phy_data;
+	if (nesadapter->OneG_Mode) {
+		dprintk("1G PHY, mac_index = %d.\n", mac_index);
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 1, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 1 phy address %u = 0x%X.\n",
+				nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], phy_data);
+		nes_write_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 23, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index],  0xb000);
+		/* Reset the PHY */
+		nes_write_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], 0x8000);
+		udelay(100);
+		counter = 0;
+		do {
+			nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+			dprintk("Phy data from register 0 = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+			if (counter++ > 100) break;
+		} while (phy_data & 0x8000);
+		/* Setting no phy loopback */
+		phy_data &= 0xbfff;
+		phy_data |= 0x1140;
+		nes_write_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index],  phy_data);
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 0 = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0x17, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 0x17 = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0x1e, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 0x1e = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+		/* Setting the interrupt mask */
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0x19, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 0x19 = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+		nes_write_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0x19, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], 0xffee);
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0x19, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 0x19 = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+		/* turning on flow control */
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 4, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 0x4 = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+		nes_write_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 4, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index],
+				(phy_data & ~(0x03E0)) | 0xc00);
+		/* nes_write_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 4, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index],
+				phy_data | 0xc00); */
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 4, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 0x4 = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 9, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 0x9 = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+		/* Clear Half duplex */
+		nes_write_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 9, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index],
+				phy_data & ~(0x0100));
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 9, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		dprintk("Phy data from register 0x9 = 0x%X.\n", phy_data);
+		nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+		nes_write_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0, nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], phy_data | 0x0300);
+	}
+	return (0);
+ * nes_init_nic_qp
+ */
+int nes_init_nic_qp(struct nes_device *nesdev, struct net_device *netdev)
+	struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe *cqp_wqe;
+	struct nes_hw_nic_sq_wqe *nic_sqe;
+	struct nes_hw_nic_qp_context *nic_context;
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+	struct nes_hw_nic_rq_wqe *nic_rqe;
+	struct nes_vnic *nesvnic = netdev_priv(netdev);
+	unsigned long flags;
+	void *vmem;
+	dma_addr_t pmem;
+	u64 u64temp;
+	int ret;
+	u32 cqp_head;
+	u32 counter;
+	u32 wqe_count;
+	/* Allocate fragment, SQ, RQ, and CQ; Reuse CEQ based on the PCI function */
+	nesvnic->nic_mem_size = 256 +
+			(NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * sizeof(struct nes_first_frag)) +
+			(NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * sizeof(struct nes_hw_nic_sq_wqe)) +
+			(NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * sizeof(struct nes_hw_nic_rq_wqe)) +
+			(NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * 2 * sizeof(struct nes_hw_nic_cqe)) +
+			sizeof(struct nes_hw_nic_qp_context);
+	nesvnic->nic_vbase = pci_alloc_consistent(nesdev->pcidev, nesvnic->nic_mem_size,
+			&nesvnic->nic_pbase);
+	if (!nesvnic->nic_vbase) {
+		dprintk(KERN_ERR PFX "Unable to allocate memory for NIC host descriptor rings\n");
+		return(-ENOMEM);
+	}
+	memset(nesvnic->nic_vbase, 0, nesvnic->nic_mem_size);
+	dprintk("Allocated NIC QP structures at %p (phys = %016lX), size = %u.\n",
+			nesvnic->nic_vbase, (unsigned long)nesvnic->nic_pbase, nesvnic->nic_mem_size);
+	vmem = (void *)(((unsigned long long)nesvnic->nic_vbase + (256 - 1)) &
+			~(unsigned long long)(256 - 1));
+	pmem = (dma_addr_t)(((unsigned long long)nesvnic->nic_pbase + (256 - 1)) &
+			~(unsigned long long)(256 - 1));
+	dprintk("%s:%u vmem=%p, pmem=%016lX\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, vmem, (long unsigned int)pmem);
+	/* Setup the first Fragment buffers */
+	nesvnic->nic.first_frag_vbase = vmem;
+	for (counter = 0; counter < NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE; counter++) {
+		nesvnic->nic.frag_paddr[counter] = pmem;
+		pmem += sizeof(struct nes_first_frag);
+	}
+	/* setup the SQ */
+	vmem += (NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * sizeof(struct nes_first_frag));
+	dprintk("%s:%u vmem=%p, pmem=%016lX\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, vmem, (long unsigned int)pmem);
+	nesvnic->nic.sq_vbase = (void *)vmem;
+	nesvnic->nic.sq_pbase = pmem;
+	nesvnic->nic.sq_head = 0;
+	nesvnic->nic.sq_tail = 0;
+	nesvnic->nic.sq_size = NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE;
+	for (counter = 0; counter < NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE; counter++) {
+		nic_sqe = &nesvnic->nic.sq_vbase[counter];
+		nic_sqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_SQ_WQE_LENGTH_0_TAG_IDX] =
+				(u32)NES_FIRST_FRAG_SIZE << 16;
+		nic_sqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_SQ_WQE_FRAG0_LOW_IDX] =
+				(u32)nesvnic->nic.frag_paddr[counter];
+		nic_sqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_SQ_WQE_FRAG0_HIGH_IDX] =
+				(u32)((u64)nesvnic->nic.frag_paddr[counter] >> 32);
+	}
+	spin_lock_init(&nesvnic->nic.sq_lock);
+	/* setup the RQ */
+	vmem += (NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * sizeof(struct nes_hw_nic_sq_wqe));
+	pmem += (NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * sizeof(struct nes_hw_nic_sq_wqe));
+	dprintk("%s:%u vmem=%p, pmem=%016lX\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, vmem, (long unsigned int)pmem);
+	nesvnic->nic.rq_vbase = vmem;
+	nesvnic->nic.rq_pbase = pmem;
+	nesvnic->nic.rq_head = 0;
+	nesvnic->nic.rq_tail = 0;
+	nesvnic->nic.rq_size = NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE;
+	/* setup the CQ */
+	vmem += (NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * sizeof(struct nes_hw_nic_rq_wqe));
+	pmem += (NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * sizeof(struct nes_hw_nic_rq_wqe));
+	dprintk("%s:%u vmem=%p, pmem=%016lX\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, vmem, (long unsigned int)pmem);
+	nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_vbase = vmem;
+	nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_pbase = pmem;
+	nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_head = 0;
+	nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_size = NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE * 2;
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+	nesvnic->nic_cq.ce_handler = nes_nic_napi_ce_handler;
+	nesvnic->nic_cq.ce_handler = nes_nic_ce_handler;
+	/* Send CreateCQ request to CQP */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head;
+	dprintk("%s:%u Before filling out cqp_wqe, cqp=%p, sq_head=%u, sq_tail=%u, cqp_head=%u\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, &nesdev->cqp, nesdev->cqp.sq_head,
+			nesdev->cqp.sq_tail, cqp_head);
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] =
+			NES_CQP_CREATE_CQ | NES_CQP_CQ_CEQ_VALID | (nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_size << 16);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] =
+			nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_number | ((u32)nesdev->nic_ceq_index << 16);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) =
+			&nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	u64temp = (u64)nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_pbase;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_PBL_LOW_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)u64temp);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_PBL_HIGH_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(u64temp >> 32));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_HIGH_IDX] =  0;
+	/* the following two lines likely have endian issues */
+	*((struct nes_hw_nic_cq **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_LOW_IDX]) =
+			&nesvnic->nic_cq;
+	*((u64 *)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_LOW_IDX]) >>= 1;
+	dprintk("%s: CQ%u context = 0x%08X:0x%08X.\n", __FUNCTION__, nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_number,
+			cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_HIGH_IDX],
+			cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_CQ_CONTEXT_LOW_IDX]);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_CQ_WQE_DOORBELL_INDEX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] =
+			cpu_to_le32(cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX]);
+	if (++cqp_head >= nesdev->cqp.sq_size)
+		cqp_head = 0;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	/* Send CreateQP request to CQP */
+	nic_context = (void *)(&nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_vbase[nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_size]);
+	nic_context->context_words[NES_NIC_CTX_MISC_IDX] =
+			cpu_to_le32((u32)NES_NIC_CTX_SIZE |
+			((u32)PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) << 12));
+			__FUNCTION__,
+			nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_RX_WINDOW_BUFFER_PAGE_TABLE_SIZE),
+			nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_RX_WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE));
+	if (0!= nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_RX_WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE)) {	
+		dprintk("%s: Enabling NIC Backing Store.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		nic_context->context_words[NES_NIC_CTX_MISC_IDX] |= cpu_to_le32(NES_NIC_BACK_STORE);
+	}
+	dprintk("NES_NIC_CTX_SIZE = %0x, word0 = %u.\n",
+			NES_NIC_CTX_SIZE, nic_context->context_words[NES_NIC_CTX_MISC_IDX]);
+	u64temp = (u64)nesvnic->nic.sq_pbase;
+	nic_context->context_words[NES_NIC_CTX_SQ_LOW_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)u64temp);
+	nic_context->context_words[NES_NIC_CTX_SQ_HIGH_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(u64temp >> 32));
+	u64temp = (u64)nesvnic->nic.rq_pbase;
+	nic_context->context_words[NES_NIC_CTX_RQ_LOW_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)u64temp);
+	nic_context->context_words[NES_NIC_CTX_RQ_HIGH_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(u64temp >> 32));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_CREATE_QP |
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(nesvnic->nic.qp_id);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) = &nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	u64temp = (u64)nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_pbase +
+			(nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_size * sizeof(struct nes_hw_nic_cqe));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_QP_WQE_CONTEXT_LOW_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)u64temp);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_QP_WQE_CONTEXT_HIGH_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)(u64temp >> 32));
+	if (++cqp_head >= nesdev->cqp.sq_size)
+		cqp_head = 0;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_head = cqp_head;
+	barrier();
+	dprintk("%s:%u Before cqp wqe alloc, sq_head=%u, sq_tail=%u, cqp_head=%u\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, nesdev->cqp.sq_head, nesdev->cqp.sq_tail, cqp_head);
+	/* Ring doorbell (2 WQEs) */
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_WQE_ALLOC, 0x02800000 | nesdev->cqp.qp_id);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	dprintk("Waiting for create NIC QP%u to complete.\n", nesvnic->nic.qp_id);
+	/*  cqp_head = (cqp_head+1) & (nesdev->cqp.sq_size-1); */
+	dprintk("%s:%u Before wait_event_timeout, sq_head=%u, sq_tail=%u, cqp_head=%u\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, nesdev->cqp.sq_head, nesdev->cqp.sq_tail, cqp_head);
+	ret = wait_event_timeout(nesdev->cqp.waitq, (nesdev->cqp.sq_tail == cqp_head),
+	dprintk("Create NIC QP%u completed, wait_event_timeout ret = %u.\n",
+			nesvnic->nic.qp_id, ret);
+	if (!ret) {
+		dprintk("NIC QP%u create timeout expired\n", nesvnic->nic.qp_id);
+		pci_free_consistent(nesdev->pcidev, nesvnic->nic_mem_size, nesvnic->nic_vbase,
+							nesvnic->nic_pbase);
+		return(-EIO);
+	}
+	/* Populate the RQ */
+	for (counter = 0; counter < (NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE - 1); counter++) {
+		skb = dev_alloc_skb(nesvnic->max_frame_size);
+		if (!skb) {
+			dprintk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: out of memory for receive skb\n", netdev->name);
+			nes_destroy_nic_qp(nesvnic);
+			return(-ENOMEM);
+		}
+		skb->dev = netdev;
+		pmem = pci_map_single(nesdev->pcidev, skb->data,
+				nesvnic->max_frame_size, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
+		nic_rqe = &nesvnic->nic.rq_vbase[counter];
+		nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_LENGTH_1_0_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(nesvnic->max_frame_size);
+		nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_LENGTH_3_2_IDX] = 0;
+		nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_FRAG0_LOW_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)pmem);
+		nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_FRAG0_HIGH_IDX] = cpu_to_le32((u32)((u64)pmem >> 32));
+		nesvnic->nic.rx_skb[counter] = skb;
+	}
+	wqe_count = NES_NIC_WQ_SIZE - 1;
+	nesvnic->nic.rq_head = wqe_count - 1;
+	barrier();
+	do {
+		counter = min(wqe_count, ((u32)255));
+		wqe_count -= counter;
+		nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_WQE_ALLOC, (counter << 24) | nesvnic->nic.qp_id);
+	} while (wqe_count);
+	dprintk("%s: Default Interrupt Moderation Enabled\n", __FUNCTION__);
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+	dprintk("%s: NAPI support Enabled\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	return (0);
+ * nes_destroy_nic_qp
+ */
+void nes_destroy_nic_qp(struct nes_vnic *nesvnic)
+	struct nes_device *nesdev = nesvnic->nesdev;
+	struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe *cqp_wqe;
+	struct nes_hw_nic_rq_wqe *nic_rqe;
+	u64 wqe_frag;
+	u32 cqp_head;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	int ret;
+	dprintk("%s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+	/* Free remaining NIC receive buffers */
+	while (nesvnic->nic.rq_head != nesvnic->nic.rq_tail) {
+		nic_rqe = &nesvnic->nic.rq_vbase[nesvnic->nic.rq_tail];
+		wqe_frag = nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_FRAG0_LOW_IDX];
+		wqe_frag += ((u64)nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_FRAG0_HIGH_IDX]) << 32;
+		pci_unmap_single(nesdev->pcidev, (dma_addr_t)wqe_frag,
+				nesvnic->max_frame_size, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
+		dev_kfree_skb(nesvnic->nic.rx_skb[nesvnic->nic.rq_tail++]);
+		nesvnic->nic.rq_tail &= (nesvnic->nic.rq_size - 1);
+	}
+	/* Destroy NIC QP */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	cqp_head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_DESTROY_QP | NES_CQP_QP_TYPE_NIC);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] =  cpu_to_le32(nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_number);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) = &nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	if (++cqp_head >= nesdev->cqp.sq_size)
+		cqp_head = 0;
+	cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp_head];
+	/* Destroy NIC CQ */
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_DESTROY_CQ |
+			((u32)nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_size << 16));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(nesvnic->nic_cq.cq_number |
+			((u32)nesdev->nic_ceq_index << 16));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) = &nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	if (++cqp_head >= nesdev->cqp.sq_size)
+		cqp_head = 0;
+	nesdev->cqp.sq_head = cqp_head;
+	barrier();
+	/* Ring doorbell (2 WQEs) */
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_WQE_ALLOC, 0x02800000 | nesdev->cqp.qp_id);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	dprintk("Waiting for destroy NIC QP to complete.\n");
+	/*  cqp_head = (cqp_head + 1) & (nesdev->cqp.sq_size - 1); */
+	dprintk("%s[%u] Waiting for CQP, cqp_head=%u, cqp.sq_head=%u,"
+			" cqp.sq_tail=%u, cqp.sq_size=%u\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, cqp_head, nesdev->cqp.sq_head,
+			nesdev->cqp.sq_tail, nesdev->cqp.sq_size);
+	ret = wait_event_timeout(nesdev->cqp.waitq, (nesdev->cqp.sq_tail == cqp_head),
+	dprintk("Destroy NIC QP returned, wait_event_timeout ret = %u, cqp_head=%u,"
+			" cqp.sq_head=%u, cqp.sq_tail=%u\n",
+			ret, cqp_head, nesdev->cqp.sq_head, nesdev->cqp.sq_tail);
+	if (!ret) {
+		dprintk("NIC QP%u destroy timeout expired\n", nesvnic->nic.qp_id);
+	}
+	pci_free_consistent(nesdev->pcidev, nesvnic->nic_mem_size, nesvnic->nic_vbase,
+			nesvnic->nic_pbase);
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+ * nes_napi_isr
+ */
+int nes_napi_isr(struct nes_device *nesdev)
+	u32 int_stat;
+	/* interrupt status has already been read in ISR */
+	int_stat = nesdev->int_stat;
+	int_stat = nes_read32(nesdev->regs + NES_INT_STAT);
+	/* save off the interrupt status so we avoid the extra read */
+	nesdev->int_stat = int_stat;
+	nesdev->napi_isr_ran = 1;
+	/*  int_stat &= (nesdev->int_req | NES_INT_TIMER); */
+	int_stat &= nesdev->int_req;
+	/* dprintk("%s: Interrupt Status (postfilter)  = 0x%08X\n", __FUNCTION__, int_stat ); */
+	/* iff NIC, process here, else wait for DPC */
+	if ((int_stat) && ((int_stat & 0x0000ff00) == int_stat)) {
+		nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_STAT,
+				(int_stat &
+		/* Process the CEQs */
+		nes_process_ceq(nesdev, &nesdev->nesadapter->ceq[nesdev->nic_ceq_index]);
+		if (nesdev->et_rx_coalesce_usecs_irq) {
+			if ((nesdev->int_req & NES_INT_TIMER) == 0) {
+				/* Enable Periodic timer interrupts */
+				nesdev->int_req |= NES_INT_TIMER;
+				/* ack any pending periodic timer interrupts so we don't get an immediate interrupt */
+				/* TODO: need to also ack other unused periodic timer values, get from nesadapter */
+				nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_TIMER_STAT,
+						nesdev->timer_int_req  | ~(nesdev->nesadapter->timer_int_req));
+				nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INTF_INT_MASK,
+						~(nesdev->intf_int_req | NES_INTF_PERIODIC_TIMER));
+			}
+			/* Enable interrupts, except CEQs */
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_MASK, 0x0000ffff | (~nesdev->int_req));
+		} else {
+			/* Enable interrupts, make sure timer is off */
+			nesdev->int_req &= ~NES_INT_TIMER;
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INTF_INT_MASK, ~(nesdev->intf_int_req));
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_MASK, ~nesdev->int_req);
+		}
+		return (1);
+	} else {
+		return (0);
+	}
+ * nes_dpc
+ */
+void nes_dpc(unsigned long param)
+	struct nes_device *nesdev = (struct nes_device *)param;
+	struct nes_adapter *nesadapter = nesdev->nesadapter;
+	u32 counter;
+	u32 loop_counter = 0;
+	u32 int_status_bit;
+	u32 int_stat;
+	u32 timer_stat;
+	u32 temp_int_stat;
+	u32 intf_int_stat;
+	u32 debug_error;
+	u32 processed_intf_int = 0;
+	u32 u32Temp;
+	u16 processed_timer_int = 0;
+	u16 completion_ints = 0;
+	u16 timer_ints = 0;
+	/* dprintk("%s:%s:%u\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); */
+	do {
+		timer_stat = 0;
+		if (nesdev->napi_isr_ran) {
+			nesdev->napi_isr_ran = 0;
+			int_stat = nesdev->int_stat;
+		} else
+			int_stat = nes_read32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_STAT);
+		if (0 != processed_intf_int) {
+			int_stat &= nesdev->int_req & ~NES_INT_INTF;
+		} else {
+			int_stat &= nesdev->int_req;
+		}
+		if (0 == processed_timer_int) {
+			processed_timer_int = 1;
+			if (int_stat & NES_INT_TIMER) {
+				timer_stat = nes_read32(nesdev->regs + NES_TIMER_STAT);
+				if ((timer_stat & nesdev->timer_int_req) == 0) {
+					int_stat &= ~NES_INT_TIMER;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			int_stat &= ~NES_INT_TIMER;
+		}
+		if (int_stat) {
+			if (int_stat & ~(NES_INT_INTF|NES_INT_TIMER|NES_INT_MAC0|
+				/* Ack the interrupts */
+				nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_STAT,
+						(int_stat & ~(NES_INT_INTF|NES_INT_TIMER|NES_INT_MAC0|
+			}
+			temp_int_stat = int_stat;
+			for (counter = 0, int_status_bit = 1; counter < 16; counter++) {
+				if (int_stat & int_status_bit) {
+					nes_process_ceq(nesdev, &nesadapter->ceq[counter]);
+					temp_int_stat &= ~int_status_bit;
+					completion_ints = 1;
+				}
+				if (!(temp_int_stat & 0x0000ffff))
+					break;
+				int_status_bit <<= 1;
+			}
+			/* Process the AEQ for this pci function */
+			int_status_bit = 1 << (16 + PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn));
+			if (int_stat & int_status_bit) {
+				nes_process_aeq(nesdev, &nesadapter->aeq[PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn)]);
+			}
+			/* Process the MAC interrupt for this pci function */
+			int_status_bit = 1 << (24 + nesdev->mac_index);
+			if (int_stat & int_status_bit) {
+				nes_process_mac_intr(nesdev, nesdev->mac_index);
+			}
+			if (int_stat & NES_INT_TIMER) {
+				if (timer_stat & nesdev->timer_int_req) {
+					nes_write32(nesdev->regs + NES_TIMER_STAT,
+							(timer_stat & nesdev->timer_int_req) |
+							~(nesdev->nesadapter->timer_int_req));
+					timer_ints = 1;
+				}
+			}
+			if (int_stat & NES_INT_INTF) {
+				processed_intf_int = 1;
+				intf_int_stat = nes_read32(nesdev->regs+NES_INTF_INT_STAT);
+				printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Interface Interrupt Status (prefilter)=0x%08X\n",
+						intf_int_stat);
+				intf_int_stat &= nesdev->intf_int_req;
+				if (NES_INTF_INT_CRITERR & intf_int_stat) {
+					debug_error = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_DEBUG_ERROR_CONTROL_STATUS);
+					printk(KERN_ERR PFX "Critical Error reported by device!!! 0x%02X\n",
+							(u16)debug_error);
+					nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_DEBUG_ERROR_CONTROL_STATUS,
+							0x01010000 | (debug_error & 0x0000ffff));
+					/* BUG(); */
+					if (crit_err_count++ > 10)
+						nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_DEBUG_ERROR_MASKS1, 1 << 0x17);
+				}
+				if (NES_INTF_INT_PCIERR & intf_int_stat) {
+					printk(KERN_ERR PFX "PCI Error reported by device!!!\n");
+					BUG();
+				}
+				if (NES_INTF_INT_AEQ_OFLOW & intf_int_stat) {
+					printk(KERN_ERR PFX "AEQ Overflow reported by device!!!\n");
+					BUG();
+				}
+				nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INTF_INT_STAT, intf_int_stat);
+			}
+			if (int_stat & NES_INT_TSW) {
+			}
+		}
+		/* Don't use the interface interrupt bit stay in loop */
+	} while ((int_stat != 0) && (loop_counter++ < MAX_DPC_ITERATIONS));
+	if (1 == timer_ints) {
+		if (nesdev->et_rx_coalesce_usecs_irq) {
+			if (0 == completion_ints) {
+				nesdev->timer_only_int_count++;
+				if (nesdev->timer_only_int_count>=NES_TIMER_INT_LIMIT) {
+					nesdev->timer_only_int_count = 0;
+					nesdev->int_req &= ~NES_INT_TIMER;
+					nes_write32(nesdev->regs + NES_INTF_INT_MASK, ~(nesdev->intf_int_req));
+					nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_MASK, ~nesdev->int_req);
+				} else {
+					nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_MASK, 0x0000ffff|(~nesdev->int_req));
+				}
+			} else {
+				nesdev->timer_only_int_count = 0;
+				nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_MASK, 0x0000ffff|(~nesdev->int_req));
+			}
+		} else {
+			nesdev->timer_only_int_count = 0;
+			nesdev->int_req &= ~NES_INT_TIMER;
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INTF_INT_MASK, ~(nesdev->intf_int_req));
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_TIMER_STAT,
+						nesdev->timer_int_req | ~(nesdev->nesadapter->timer_int_req));
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_MASK, ~nesdev->int_req);
+		}
+	} else {
+		if ((1 == completion_ints) && (nesdev->et_rx_coalesce_usecs_irq)) {
+			/* dprintk("Enabling periodic timer interrupt.\n" ); */
+			nesdev->timer_only_int_count = 0;
+			nesdev->int_req |= NES_INT_TIMER;
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_TIMER_STAT,
+						nesdev->timer_int_req | ~(nesdev->nesadapter->timer_int_req));
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INTF_INT_MASK,
+					~(nesdev->intf_int_req | NES_INTF_PERIODIC_TIMER));
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_MASK, 0x0000ffff | (~nesdev->int_req));
+		} else {
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_INT_MASK, ~nesdev->int_req);
+		}
+	}
+ * nes_process_ceq
+ */
+void nes_process_ceq(struct nes_device *nesdev, struct nes_hw_ceq *ceq)
+	u64 u64temp;
+	struct nes_hw_cq *cq;
+	u32 head;
+	u32 ceq_size;
+	/* dprintk("%s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); */
+	head = ceq->ceq_head;
+	ceq_size = ceq->ceq_size;
+	do {
+		if (le32_to_cpu(ceq->ceq_vbase[head].ceqe_words[NES_CEQE_CQ_CTX_HIGH_IDX]) &
+			u64temp = *((u64 *)&ceq->ceq_vbase[head].ceqe_words[NES_CEQE_CQ_CTX_LOW_IDX]);
+			u64temp <<= 1;
+			cq = *((struct nes_hw_cq **)&u64temp);
+			/* dprintk(KERN_ERR PFX "%s: pCQ = %p\n", __FUNCTION__, cq ); */
+			barrier();
+			ceq->ceq_vbase[head].ceqe_words[NES_CEQE_CQ_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+			/* call the event handler */
+			cq->ce_handler(nesdev, cq);
+			if (++head >= ceq_size)
+				head = 0;
+		} else {
+			break;
+		}
+	} while (1);
+	ceq->ceq_head = head;
+	/* dprintk("%s:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); */
+ * nes_process_aeq
+ */
+void nes_process_aeq(struct nes_device *nesdev, struct nes_hw_aeq *aeq)
+	u64 u64temp;
+	u32 head;
+	u32 aeq_size;
+	struct nes_hw_aeqe volatile *aeqe;
+	dprintk("%s:%s:%u\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+	head = aeq->aeq_head;
+	aeq_size = aeq->aeq_size;
+	do {
+		aeqe = &aeq->aeq_vbase[head];
+		if ((le32_to_cpu(aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_MISC_IDX]) & NES_AEQE_VALID) == 0)
+			break;
+		aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_MISC_IDX] =
+				le32_to_cpu(aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_MISC_IDX]);
+		aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_QP_CQ_ID_IDX] =
+				le32_to_cpu(aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_QP_CQ_ID_IDX]);
+		if (aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_MISC_IDX] & (NES_AEQE_QP|NES_AEQE_CQ)) {
+			if (aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_QP_CQ_ID_IDX] >= NES_FIRST_QPN) {
+				/* dealing with an accelerated QP related AE */
+				u64temp = *((u64 *)&aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_CTXT_LOW_IDX]);
+				nes_process_iwarp_aeqe(nesdev, (struct nes_hw_aeqe *)aeqe);
+			} else {
+				/* TODO: dealing with a CQP related AE */
+				dprintk("%s: Processing CQP related AE, misc = 0x%04X\n", __FUNCTION__,
+						(u16)(aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_MISC_IDX] >> 16));
+			}
+		} else if (aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_MISC_IDX] & NES_AEQE_CQ) {
+			/* dealing with a CQ related AE */
+			dprintk("%s: Processing CQ realated AE, misc = 0x%04X\n", __FUNCTION__,
+					(u16)(aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_MISC_IDX] >> 16));
+		}
+		aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_MISC_IDX] = 0;
+		if (++head >= aeq_size)
+			head = 0;
+	}
+	while (1);
+	aeq->aeq_head = head;
+ * nes_process_mac_intr
+ */
+void nes_process_mac_intr(struct nes_device *nesdev, u32 mac_number)
+	unsigned long flags;
+	u32 pcs_control_status;
+	struct nes_adapter *nesadapter = nesdev->nesadapter;
+	struct nes_vnic *nesvnic;
+	u32 mac_status;
+	u32 mac_index = nesdev->mac_index;
+	u32 u32temp;
+	u16 phy_data;
+	u16 temp_phy_data;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&nesadapter->phy_lock, flags);
+	if (nesadapter->mac_sw_state[mac_number] != NES_MAC_SW_IDLE) {
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesadapter->phy_lock, flags);
+		return;
+	}
+	nesadapter->mac_sw_state[mac_number] = NES_MAC_SW_INTERRUPT;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesadapter->phy_lock, flags);
+	/* ack the MAC interrupt */
+	mac_status = nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_MAC_INT_STATUS + (mac_index * 0x200));
+	/* Clear the interrupt */
+	nes_write_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_MAC_INT_STATUS + (mac_index * 0x200), mac_status);
+	dprintk("MAC%u interrupt status = 0x%X.\n", mac_number, mac_status);
+		nesdev->link_status_interrupts++;
+		/* read the PHY interrupt status register */
+		if (nesadapter->OneG_Mode) {
+			do {
+				nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0x1a,
+						nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+				dprintk("Phy%d data from register 0x1a = 0x%X.\n",
+						nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], phy_data);
+			} while (phy_data&0x8000);
+			temp_phy_data = 0;
+			do {
+				nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0x11,
+						nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+				dprintk("Phy%d data from register 0x11 = 0x%X.\n",
+						nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], phy_data);
+				if (temp_phy_data == phy_data)
+					break;
+				temp_phy_data = phy_data;
+			} while (1);
+			nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 0x1e,
+					nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+			dprintk("Phy%d data from register 0x1e = 0x%X.\n",
+					nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], phy_data);
+			nes_read_1G_phy_reg(nesdev, 1,
+					nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], &phy_data);
+			dprintk("1G phy%u data from register 1 = 0x%X\n",
+					nesadapter->phy_index[mac_index], phy_data);
+			if (temp_phy_data & 0x1000) {
+				dprintk("The Link is up according to the PHY\n");
+				phy_data = 4;
+			} else {
+				dprintk("The Link is down according to the PHY\n");
+			}
+		}
+		dprintk("%s: Eth SERDES Common Status: 0=0x%08X, 1=0x%08X\n", __FUNCTION__,
+				nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_COMMON_STATUS0),
+				nes_read_indexed(nesdev, NES_IDX_ETH_SERDES_COMMON_STATUS0+0x200));
+		pcs_control_status = nes_read_indexed(nesdev,
+				NES_IDX_PHY_PCS_CONTROL_STATUS0 + ((mac_index&1)*0x200));
+		pcs_control_status = nes_read_indexed(nesdev,
+				NES_IDX_PHY_PCS_CONTROL_STATUS0 + ((mac_index&1)*0x200));
+		dprintk("%s: PCS PHY Control/Status%u: 0x%08X\n", __FUNCTION__,
+				mac_index, pcs_control_status);
+		if (nesadapter->OneG_Mode) {
+			u32temp = 0x01010000;
+			if (nesadapter->port_count > 2) {
+				u32temp |= 0x02020000;
+			}
+			if ((pcs_control_status & u32temp)!= u32temp) {
+				phy_data = 0;
+				dprintk("PCS says the link is down\n");
+			}
+		} else {
+			phy_data = (0x0f0f0000 == (pcs_control_status & 0x0f1f0000)) ? 4 : 0;
+		}
+		if (phy_data & 0x0004) {
+			nesadapter->mac_link_down[mac_index] = 0;
+			list_for_each_entry(nesvnic, &nesadapter->nesvnic_list[mac_index], list) {
+				dprintk("The Link is UP!!.  linkup was %d\n", nesvnic->linkup);
+				if (nesvnic->linkup == 0) {
+					printk(PFX "The Link is now up for port %u, netdev %p.\n",
+							mac_index, nesvnic->netdev);
+					if (netif_queue_stopped(nesvnic->netdev))
+						netif_start_queue(nesvnic->netdev);
+					nesvnic->linkup = 1;
+					netif_carrier_on(nesvnic->netdev);
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			nesadapter->mac_link_down[mac_index] = 1;
+			list_for_each_entry(nesvnic, &nesadapter->nesvnic_list[mac_index], list) {
+				dprintk("The Link is Down!!. linkup was %d\n", nesvnic->linkup);
+				if (nesvnic->linkup == 1) {
+					printk(PFX "The Link is now down for port %u, netdev %p.\n",
+							mac_index, nesvnic->netdev);
+					if (!(netif_queue_stopped(nesvnic->netdev)))
+						netif_stop_queue(nesvnic->netdev);
+					nesvnic->linkup = 0;
+					netif_carrier_off(nesvnic->netdev);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	nesadapter->mac_sw_state[mac_number] = NES_MAC_SW_IDLE;
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+ * nes_nic_napi_ce_handler
+ */
+void nes_nic_napi_ce_handler(struct nes_device *nesdev, struct nes_hw_nic_cq *cq)
+	struct nes_vnic *nesvnic = container_of(cq, struct nes_vnic, nic_cq);
+	netif_rx_schedule(nesdev->netdev[nesvnic->netdev_index]);
+ * nes_nic_ce_handler
+ */
+void nes_nic_ce_handler(struct nes_device *nesdev, struct nes_hw_nic_cq *cq)
+	dma_addr_t bus_address;
+	struct nes_hw_nic *nesnic;
+	struct nes_vnic *nesvnic = container_of(cq, struct nes_vnic, nic_cq);
+	struct nes_hw_nic_rq_wqe *nic_rqe;
+	struct nes_hw_nic_sq_wqe *nic_sqe;
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+	struct sk_buff *rx_skb;
+	u16 *wqe_fragment_length;
+	u64 *wqe_fragment_address;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	u32 head;
+	u32 cq_size;
+	u32 rx_pkt_size;
+	u32 cqe_count=0;
+	u32 cqe_errv;
+	u32 cqe_misc;
+	u16 wqe_fragment_index = 1; /* first fragment (0) is used by copy buffer */
+	u16 vlan_tag;
+	u16 pkt_type;
+	/* dprintk("%s:%u:\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); */
+	head = cq->cq_head;
+	cq_size = cq->cq_size;
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+	nesvnic->cqes_pending = 1;
+	do {
+		if (le32_to_cpu(cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_NIC_CQE_MISC_IDX]) &
+			nesnic = &nesvnic->nic;
+			cqe_misc = le32_to_cpu(cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_NIC_CQE_MISC_IDX]);
+			if (cqe_misc & NES_NIC_CQE_SQ) {
+				wqe_fragment_index = 1;
+				/* dprintk("%s: Processing SQ completion for QP%u. SQ Tail = %u.\n", __FUNCTION__,
+					nesvnic->nic.qp_id, nesnic->sq_tail); */
+				nic_sqe = &nesnic->sq_vbase[nesnic->sq_tail];
+				skb = nesnic->tx_skb[nesnic->sq_tail];
+				wqe_fragment_length = (u16 *)&nic_sqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_SQ_WQE_LENGTH_0_TAG_IDX];
+				/* bump past the vlan tag */
+				wqe_fragment_length++;
+				if (wqe_fragment_length[wqe_fragment_index] != 0) {
+					wqe_fragment_address = (u64 *)&nic_sqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_SQ_WQE_FRAG0_LOW_IDX];
+					bus_address = (dma_addr_t)le64_to_cpu(wqe_fragment_address[wqe_fragment_index]);
+					if ((skb) && (skb_headlen(skb) > NES_FIRST_FRAG_SIZE)) {
+						pci_unmap_single(nesdev->pcidev,
+								bus_address,
+								le32_to_cpu(wqe_fragment_length[wqe_fragment_index++]),
+					}
+					for (; wqe_fragment_index < 5; wqe_fragment_index++) {
+						if (wqe_fragment_length[wqe_fragment_index]) {
+							bus_address = (dma_addr_t)le64_to_cpu(wqe_fragment_address[wqe_fragment_index]);
+							pci_unmap_page(nesdev->pcidev,
+									bus_address,
+									le32_to_cpu(wqe_fragment_length[wqe_fragment_index]),
+									PCI_DMA_TODEVICE);
+						} else
+							break;
+					}
+					if (skb)
+						dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
+				}
+				spin_lock_irqsave(&nesnic->sq_lock, flags);
+				nesnic->sq_tail++;
+				nesnic->sq_tail &= nesnic->sq_size-1;
+				/* restart the queue if it had been stopped */
+				if (netif_queue_stopped(nesvnic->netdev))
+					netif_wake_queue(nesvnic->netdev);
+				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesnic->sq_lock, flags);
+			} else {
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+				nesvnic->rx_cqes_completed++;
+				rx_pkt_size = cqe_misc & 0x0000ffff;
+				/* dprintk("%s: Processing RQ completion for QP%u. RQ Tail = %u, size = %u.\n",
+					  __FUNCTION__, nesvnic->nic.qp_id, nesnic->rq_tail, rx_pkt_size); */
+				nic_rqe = &nesnic->rq_vbase[nesnic->rq_tail];
+				/* Get the skb */
+				rx_skb = nesnic->rx_skb[nesnic->rq_tail];
+				nic_rqe = &nesnic->rq_vbase[nesvnic->nic.rq_tail];
+				bus_address = le32_to_cpu(nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_FRAG0_LOW_IDX]);
+				bus_address += ((u64)le32_to_cpu(nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_FRAG0_HIGH_IDX])) << 32;
+				pci_unmap_single(nesdev->pcidev, bus_address,
+						nesvnic->max_frame_size, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
+				rx_skb->tail = rx_skb->data + rx_pkt_size;
+				rx_skb->len = rx_pkt_size;
+				rx_skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(rx_skb, nesvnic->netdev);
+				nesnic->rq_tail++;
+				nesnic->rq_tail &= nesnic->rq_size - 1;
+				skb = dev_alloc_skb(nesvnic->max_frame_size);
+				if (skb) {
+					/* dprintk("skb %p added to the RQ at index %u.\n", skb, nesnic->rq_head); */
+					skb->dev = nesvnic->netdev;
+					bus_address = pci_map_single(nesdev->pcidev,
+							skb->data, nesvnic->max_frame_size, PCI_DMA_FROMDEVICE);
+					nic_rqe = &nesnic->rq_vbase[nesvnic->nic.rq_head];
+					nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_LENGTH_1_0_IDX] =
+							cpu_to_le32(nesvnic->max_frame_size);
+					nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_LENGTH_3_2_IDX] = 0;
+					nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_FRAG0_LOW_IDX] =
+							cpu_to_le32((u32)bus_address);
+					nic_rqe->wqe_words[NES_NIC_RQ_WQE_FRAG0_HIGH_IDX] =
+							cpu_to_le32((u32)((u64)bus_address >> 32));
+					nesnic->rx_skb[nesnic->rq_head] = skb;
+					nesnic->rq_head++;
+					nesnic->rq_head &= nesnic->rq_size - 1;
+					nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_WQE_ALLOC, (1 << 24) | nesnic->qp_id);
+				} else {
+					dprintk("%s[%u] alloc_skb failed!\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+				}
+				pkt_type = (u16)(le32_to_cpu(cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_NIC_CQE_TAG_PKT_TYPE_IDX]));
+				cqe_errv = (cqe_misc & NES_NIC_CQE_ERRV_MASK) >> NES_NIC_CQE_ERRV_SHIFT;
+				rx_skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
+				if ((NES_PKT_TYPE_TCPV4_BITS == (pkt_type & NES_PKT_TYPE_TCPV4_MASK)) ||
+						(NES_PKT_TYPE_UDPV4_BITS == (pkt_type & NES_PKT_TYPE_UDPV4_MASK))) {
+					if (0 == (cqe_errv &
+						if (0 == nesvnic->rx_checksum_disabled) {
+							rx_skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
+							/* dprintk("%s: Reporting successfully checksummed TCP or UDP packet.\n",
+								  nesvnic->netdev->name); */
+						}
+					} else {
+						dprintk("%s: unsuccessfully checksummed TCP or UDP packet."
+								" errv = 0x%X, pkt_type = 0x%X.\n",
+								nesvnic->netdev->name, cqe_errv, pkt_type);
+					}
+				} else if (NES_PKT_TYPE_IPV4_BITS == (pkt_type & NES_PKT_TYPE_IPV4_MASK)) {
+					if (0 == (cqe_errv &
+						if (0 == nesvnic->rx_checksum_disabled) {
+							rx_skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_UNNECESSARY;
+							/* dprintk("%s: Reporting successfully checksummed IPv4 packet.\n",
+								  nesvnic->netdev->name); */
+						}
+					} else {
+						dprintk("%s: unsuccessfully checksummed TCP or UDP packet."
+								" errv = 0x%X, pkt_type = 0x%X.\n",
+								nesvnic->netdev->name, cqe_errv, pkt_type);
+					}
+				}
+				/* dprintk("%s:%u: pkt_type=%x, APBVT_MASK=%x\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
+							pkt_type, (pkt_type & NES_PKT_TYPE_APBVT_MASK)); */
+						/* dprintk("%s:%u: APBVT bit set; Send up NES; nesif_rx\n",
+								__FUNCTION__, __LINE__); */
+					nes_cm_recv(rx_skb, nesvnic->netdev);
+				} else {
+					if (cqe_misc & NES_NIC_CQE_TAG_VALID) {
+						vlan_tag = (u16)(le32_to_cpu(
+								cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_NIC_CQE_TAG_PKT_TYPE_IDX])
+								>> 16);
+						dprintk("%s: Reporting stripped VLAN packet. Tag = 0x%04X\n",
+								nesvnic->netdev->name, vlan_tag);
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+						vlan_hwaccel_receive_skb(rx_skb, nesvnic->vlan_grp, vlan_tag);
+						vlan_hwaccel_rx(rx_skb, nesvnic->vlan_grp, vlan_tag);
+					} else {
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+						netif_receive_skb(rx_skb);
+						netif_rx(rx_skb);
+					}
+				}
+				nesvnic->netdev->last_rx = jiffies;
+				/* nesvnic->netstats.rx_packets++; */
+				/* nesvnic->netstats.rx_bytes += rx_pkt_size; */
+			}
+			cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_NIC_CQE_MISC_IDX] = 0;
+			/* Accounting... */
+			cqe_count++;
+			if (++head >= cq_size)
+				head = 0;
+			if (cqe_count == 255) {
+				/* Arm the CCQ */
+				nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_CQE_ALLOC,
+						cq->cq_number | (cqe_count << 16));
+				nes_read32(nesdev->regs+NES_CQE_ALLOC);
+				cqe_count = 0;
+			}
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+			if (nesvnic->rx_cqes_completed >= nesvnic->budget)
+				break;
+		} else {
+			nesvnic->cqes_pending = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	} while (1);
+	cq->cq_head = head;
+	/* dprintk("CQ%u Processed = %u cqes, new head = %u.\n",
+			cq->cq_number, cqe_count, cq->cq_head); */
+#ifdef NES_NAPI
+	nesvnic->cqe_allocs_pending = cqe_count;
+	/* Arm the CCQ */
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_CQE_ALLOC, NES_CQE_ALLOC_NOTIFY_NEXT |
+			cq->cq_number | (cqe_count << 16));
+	nes_read32(nesdev->regs+NES_CQE_ALLOC);
+ * nes_cqp_ce_handler
+ */
+void nes_cqp_ce_handler(struct nes_device *nesdev, struct nes_hw_cq *cq)
+	struct nes_hw_cqp *cqp = NULL;
+	struct nes_cqp_request *cqp_request;
+	struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe *cqp_wqe;
+	u32 head;
+	u32 cq_size;
+	u32 cqe_count=0;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	/* u32 counter; */
+	/* dprintk("%s:%s:%u\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); */
+	head = cq->cq_head;
+	cq_size = cq->cq_size;
+	/* dprintk("%s:%u head=%u, cq_size=%u\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, head, cq_size); */
+	do {
+		/* process the CQE */
+		/* dprintk("%s:%u head=%u cqe_words=%08X\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, head,
+			  cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_OPCODE_IDX]); */
+		if (le32_to_cpu(cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_OPCODE_IDX]) & NES_CQE_VALID) {
+			cqp = *((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_COMP_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]);
+			/* dprintk("%s:%u cqp=%p, cqp->sq_head=%u, cqp->sq_tail=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
+				  cqp, cqp->sq_head, cqp->sq_tail); */
+			if (cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_ERROR_CODE_IDX]) {
+				cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_ERROR_CODE_IDX] =
+						le32_to_cpu(cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_ERROR_CODE_IDX]);
+				dprintk("%s[%u] Bad Completion code for opcode 0x%02X from CQP,"
+						" Major/Minor codes = 0x%04X:%04X.\n",
+						__FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
+						le32_to_cpu(cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_OPCODE_IDX])&0x3f,
+						(u16)(cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_ERROR_CODE_IDX] >> 16),
+						(u16)cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_ERROR_CODE_IDX]);
+				dprintk("%s[%u] cqp: qp_id=%u, sq_head=%u, sq_tail=%u\n",
+						__FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
+						cqp->qp_id, cqp->sq_head, cqp->sq_tail);
+			}
+			cqp_request = *((struct nes_cqp_request **)
+					&nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[cqp->sq_tail].wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX]);
+			if (++cqp->sq_tail >= cqp->sq_size)
+				cqp->sq_tail = 0;
+			nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_CQE_ALLOC, cq->cq_number | (1 << 16));
+			if (cqp_request) {
+				if (cqp_request->waiting) {
+					/* dprintk("%s: Waking up requestor\n", __FUNCTION__); */
+					cqp_request->major_code =
+							le16_to_cpu((u16)(cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_ERROR_CODE_IDX] >> 16));
+					cqp_request->minor_code =
+							le16_to_cpu((u16)cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_ERROR_CODE_IDX]);
+					barrier();
+					cqp_request->request_done = 1;
+					wake_up(&cqp_request->waitq);
+					if (atomic_dec_and_test(&cqp_request->refcount)) {
+						spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+						list_add_tail(&cqp_request->list, &nesdev->cqp_avail_reqs);
+						dprintk("%s: CQP request %p (opcode 0x%02X) freed.\n", __FUNCTION__,
+							cqp_request, cqp_request->cqp_wqe.wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX]&0x3f);
+						spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+					}
+				} else {
+					/* printk("%s: cqp requestor not waiting\n", __FUNCTION__); */
+					spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+					list_add_tail(&cqp_request->list, &nesdev->cqp_avail_reqs);
+					dprintk("%s: CQP request %p (opcode 0x%02X) freed.\n", __FUNCTION__,
+							cqp_request, cqp_request->cqp_wqe.wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX]&0x3f);
+					spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+				}
+			} else {
+				wake_up(&nesdev->cqp.waitq);
+			}
+			cq->cq_vbase[head].cqe_words[NES_CQE_OPCODE_IDX] = 0;
+			/* Accounting... */
+			cqe_count++;
+			if (++head >= cq_size)
+				head = 0;
+		} else {
+			break;
+		}
+	} while (1);
+	cq->cq_head = head;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	while ((!list_empty(&nesdev->cqp_pending_reqs)) &&
+			((((nesdev->cqp.sq_tail+nesdev->cqp.sq_size)-nesdev->cqp.sq_head) &
+			(nesdev->cqp.sq_size - 1)) != 1) ) {
+		cqp_request = list_entry(nesdev->cqp_pending_reqs.next,
+				struct nes_cqp_request, list);
+		list_del_init(&cqp_request->list);
+		head = nesdev->cqp.sq_head++;
+		nesdev->cqp.sq_head &= nesdev->cqp.sq_size-1;
+		cqp_wqe = &nesdev->cqp.sq_vbase[head];
+		memcpy(cqp_wqe, &cqp_request->cqp_wqe, sizeof(*cqp_wqe));
+		barrier();
+		*((struct nes_cqp_request **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words
+				[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX]) = cqp_request;
+		dprintk("%s: CQP request %p (opcode 0x%02X) put on CQPs SQ wqe%u.\n", __FUNCTION__,
+				cqp_request, cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX]&0x3f, head);
+		/* Ring doorbell (1 WQEs) */
+		barrier();
+		nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_WQE_ALLOC, 0x01800000 | nesdev->cqp.qp_id);
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	/* Arm the CCQ */
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_CQE_ALLOC, NES_CQE_ALLOC_NOTIFY_NEXT |
+			cq->cq_number);
+	nes_read32(nesdev->regs+NES_CQE_ALLOC);
+ * nes_process_iwarp_aeqe
+ */
+void nes_process_iwarp_aeqe(struct nes_device *nesdev, struct nes_hw_aeqe *aeqe)
+	u64 context;
+	struct nes_qp *nesqp;
+	/* struct iw_cm_id *cm_id; */
+	struct nes_adapter *nesadapter = nesdev->nesadapter;
+	struct ib_event ibevent;
+	/* struct iw_cm_event cm_event; */
+	u32 aeq_info;
+	u32 next_iwarp_state = 0;
+	u16 async_event_id;
+	u8 tcp_state;
+	u8 iwarp_state;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	dprintk("%s:%s:%u\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+	context = aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_CTXT_LOW_IDX];
+	context += ((u64)aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_CTXT_HIGH_IDX]) << 32;
+	aeq_info = le32_to_cpu(aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_MISC_IDX]);
+	async_event_id = (u16)aeq_info;
+	tcp_state = (aeq_info & NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_MASK) >> NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_SHIFT;
+	dprintk("%s: aeid = 0x%04X, qp-cq id = %d, aeqe = %p, Tcp state = %s, iWARP state = %s\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, async_event_id,
+			le32_to_cpu(aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_QP_CQ_ID_IDX]), aeqe,
+			nes_tcp_state_str[tcp_state],
+			nes_iwarp_state_str[iwarp_state]);
+	switch (async_event_id) {
+			nesqp = *((struct nes_qp **)&context);
+			if ((tcp_state != NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT) ||
+					(nesqp->ibqp_state != IB_QPS_RTS)) {
+				/* FIN Received but tcp state or IB state moved on,
+						should expect a	close complete */
+				return;
+			}
+			/* TODO: start timer to make sure close complete occurs */
+			nesqp = *((struct nes_qp **)&context);
+			if (async_event_id == NES_AEQE_AEID_RESET_SENT) {
+				tcp_state = NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_CLOSED;
+			}
+			nes_add_ref(&nesqp->ibqp);
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = iwarp_state;
+			nesqp->hw_tcp_state = tcp_state;
+			nesqp->last_aeq = async_event_id;
+			if ((tcp_state == NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_CLOSED) ||
+					(tcp_state == NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_TIME_WAIT)) {
+				nesqp->hte_added = 0;
+				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+				dprintk(PFX "%s: issuing hw modifyqp for QP%u to remove hte\n",
+					__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id);
+				nes_hw_modify_qp(nesdev, nesqp,
+				spin_lock_irqsave(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			}
+			if ((nesqp->ibqp_state == IB_QPS_RTS) &&
+				((tcp_state == NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT) ||
+			 	 (async_event_id==NES_AEQE_AEID_LLP_CONNECTION_RESET))) {
+				switch (nesqp->hw_iwarp_state) {
+						next_iwarp_state = NES_CQP_QP_IWARP_STATE_CLOSING;
+						nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = NES_AEQE_IWARP_STATE_CLOSING;
+						break;
+						next_iwarp_state = NES_CQP_QP_IWARP_STATE_TERMINATE;
+						nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = NES_AEQE_IWARP_STATE_TERMINATE;
+						if (async_event_id == NES_AEQE_AEID_RDMAP_ROE_BAD_LLP_CLOSE) {
+							next_iwarp_state |= 0x02000000;
+							nesqp->hw_tcp_state = NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_CLOSED;
+						}
+						break;
+					default:
+						next_iwarp_state = 0;
+				}
+				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+				if (next_iwarp_state) {
+					nes_add_ref(&nesqp->ibqp);
+					dprintk(PFX "%s: issuing hw modifyqp for QP%u. next state = 0x%08X,"
+							" also added another reference\n",
+							__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id, next_iwarp_state);
+					nes_hw_modify_qp(nesdev, nesqp, next_iwarp_state, 0);
+				}
+				nes_cm_disconn(nesqp);
+			} else {
+				if (async_event_id ==  NES_AEQE_AEID_LLP_FIN_RECEIVED) {
+					/* FIN Received but ib state not RTS,
+							close complete will be on its way */
+					spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+					nes_rem_ref(&nesqp->ibqp);
+					return;
+				}
+				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+				if (async_event_id==NES_AEQE_AEID_RDMAP_ROE_BAD_LLP_CLOSE) {
+					next_iwarp_state = NES_CQP_QP_IWARP_STATE_TERMINATE | 0x02000000;
+					nesqp->hw_tcp_state = NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_CLOSED;
+					dprintk(PFX "%s: issuing hw modifyqp for QP%u. next state = 0x%08X,"
+							" also added another reference\n",
+							__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id, next_iwarp_state);
+					nes_hw_modify_qp(nesdev, nesqp, next_iwarp_state, 0);
+				}
+				nes_cm_disconn(nesqp);
+			}
+			break;
+			nesqp = *((struct nes_qp **)&context);
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = iwarp_state;
+			nesqp->hw_tcp_state = tcp_state;
+			nesqp->last_aeq = async_event_id;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			dprintk("%s: Processing an NES_AEQE_AEID_LLP_TERMINATE_RECEIVED"
+					" event on QP%u \n  Q2 Data:\n",
+					__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id);
+			if (nesqp->ibqp.event_handler) {
+				ibevent.device = nesqp->ibqp.device;
+				ibevent.element.qp = &nesqp->ibqp;
+				ibevent.event = IB_EVENT_QP_FATAL;
+				nesqp->ibqp.event_handler(&ibevent, nesqp->ibqp.qp_context);
+			}
+			if ((tcp_state == NES_AEQE_TCP_STATE_CLOSE_WAIT) ||
+				((nesqp->ibqp_state == IB_QPS_RTS)&&
+			 	(async_event_id==NES_AEQE_AEID_LLP_CONNECTION_RESET))) {
+				nes_add_ref(&nesqp->ibqp);
+				nes_cm_disconn(nesqp);
+			} else {
+				nesqp->in_disconnect = 0;
+				wake_up(&nesqp->kick_waitq);
+			}
+			break;
+			if (NES_AEQE_INBOUND_RDMA&aeq_info) {
+				nesqp = nesadapter->qp_table[le32_to_cpu(
+						aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_QP_CQ_ID_IDX])-NES_FIRST_QPN];
+			} else {
+				/* TODO: get the actual WQE and mask off wqe index */
+				context &= ~((u64)511);
+				nesqp = *((struct nes_qp **)&context);
+			}
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = iwarp_state;
+			nesqp->hw_tcp_state = tcp_state;
+			nesqp->last_aeq = async_event_id;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			dprintk("%s: Processing an NES_AEQE_AEID_AMP_BAD_STAG_INDEX event on QP%u\n",
+					__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id);
+			if (nesqp->ibqp.event_handler) {
+				ibevent.device = nesqp->ibqp.device;
+				ibevent.element.qp = &nesqp->ibqp;
+				ibevent.event = IB_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR;
+				nesqp->ibqp.event_handler(&ibevent, nesqp->ibqp.qp_context);
+			}
+			break;
+			nesqp = *((struct nes_qp **)&context);
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = iwarp_state;
+			nesqp->hw_tcp_state = tcp_state;
+			nesqp->last_aeq = async_event_id;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			dprintk("%s: Processing an NES_AEQE_AEID_AMP_UNALLOCATED_STAG event on QP%u\n",
+				__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id);
+			if (nesqp->ibqp.event_handler) {
+				ibevent.device = nesqp->ibqp.device;
+				ibevent.element.qp = &nesqp->ibqp;
+				ibevent.event = IB_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR;
+				nesqp->ibqp.event_handler(&ibevent, nesqp->ibqp.qp_context);
+			}
+			break;
+			nesqp = nesadapter->qp_table[le32_to_cpu(aeqe->aeqe_words
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = iwarp_state;
+			nesqp->hw_tcp_state = tcp_state;
+			nesqp->last_aeq = async_event_id;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			dprintk("%s: Processing an NES_AEQE_AEID_PRIV_OPERATION_DENIED event on QP%u,"
+					" nesqp = %p, AE reported %p\n",
+					__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id, nesqp, *((struct nes_qp **)&context));
+			if (nesqp->ibqp.event_handler) {
+				ibevent.device = nesqp->ibqp.device;
+				ibevent.element.qp = &nesqp->ibqp;
+				ibevent.event = IB_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR;
+				nesqp->ibqp.event_handler(&ibevent, nesqp->ibqp.qp_context);
+			}
+			break;
+			context <<= 1;
+			dprintk("%s: Processing an NES_AEQE_AEID_CQ_OPERATION_ERROR event on CQ%u, %p\n",
+					__FUNCTION__, le32_to_cpu(aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_QP_CQ_ID_IDX]), (void *)context);
+			break;
+			nesqp = nesadapter->qp_table[le32_to_cpu(
+					aeqe->aeqe_words[NES_AEQE_COMP_QP_CQ_ID_IDX])-NES_FIRST_QPN];
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = iwarp_state;
+			nesqp->hw_tcp_state = tcp_state;
+			nesqp->last_aeq = async_event_id;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			dprintk("%s: Processing an NES_AEQE_AEID_DDP_UBE_DDP_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG"
+					"_FOR_AVAILABLE_BUFFER event on QP%u\n",
+					__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id);
+			if (nesqp->ibqp.event_handler) {
+				ibevent.device = nesqp->ibqp.device;
+				ibevent.element.qp = &nesqp->ibqp;
+				ibevent.event = IB_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR;
+				nesqp->ibqp.event_handler(&ibevent, nesqp->ibqp.qp_context);
+			}
+			/* tell cm to disconnect, cm will queue work to thread */
+			nes_add_ref(&nesqp->ibqp);
+			nes_cm_disconn(nesqp);
+			break;
+			nesqp = *((struct nes_qp **)&context);
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = iwarp_state;
+			nesqp->hw_tcp_state = tcp_state;
+			nesqp->last_aeq = async_event_id;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			dprintk("%s: Processing an NES_AEQE_AEID_DDP_UBE_INVALID_MSN"
+					"_NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE event on QP%u\n",
+					__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id);
+			if (nesqp->ibqp.event_handler) {
+				ibevent.device = nesqp->ibqp.device;
+				ibevent.element.qp = &nesqp->ibqp;
+				ibevent.event = IB_EVENT_QP_FATAL;
+				nesqp->ibqp.event_handler(&ibevent, nesqp->ibqp.qp_context);
+			}
+			/* tell cm to disconnect, cm will queue work to thread */
+			nes_add_ref(&nesqp->ibqp);
+			nes_cm_disconn(nesqp);
+			break;
+			nesqp = *((struct nes_qp **)&context);
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			nesqp->hw_iwarp_state = iwarp_state;
+			nesqp->hw_tcp_state = tcp_state;
+			nesqp->last_aeq = async_event_id;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesqp->lock, flags);
+			dprintk("%s: Processing an NES_AEQE_AEID_LLP_RECEIVED_MPA_CRC_ERROR"
+					" event on QP%u \n  Q2 Data:\n",
+					__FUNCTION__, nesqp->hwqp.qp_id);
+			if (nesqp->ibqp.event_handler) {
+				ibevent.device = nesqp->ibqp.device;
+				ibevent.element.qp = &nesqp->ibqp;
+				ibevent.event = IB_EVENT_QP_FATAL;
+				nesqp->ibqp.event_handler(&ibevent, nesqp->ibqp.qp_context);
+			}
+			/* tell cm to disconnect, cm will queue work to thread */
+			nes_add_ref(&nesqp->ibqp);
+			nes_cm_disconn(nesqp);
+			break;
+			/* TODO: additional AEs need to be here */
+		default:
+			dprintk("%s: Processing an iWARP related AE for QP, misc = 0x%04X\n",
+				   __FUNCTION__, async_event_id);
+			break;
+	}
+	dprintk("%s:%u: Leaving\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ * nes_iwarp_ce_handler
+ */
+void nes_iwarp_ce_handler(struct nes_device *nesdev, struct nes_hw_cq *hw_cq)
+	struct nes_cq *nescq = container_of(hw_cq, struct nes_cq, hw_cq);
+	/* dprintk("%s: Processing completion event for iWARP CQ%u.\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, nescq->hw_cq.cq_number); */
+	nes_write32(nesdev->regs+NES_CQ_ACK, nescq->hw_cq.cq_number);
+	if (nescq->ibcq.comp_handler)
+		nescq->ibcq.comp_handler(&nescq->ibcq, nescq->ibcq.cq_context);
+	return;
+ * nes_manage_apbvt()
+ */
+int nes_manage_apbvt(struct nes_vnic *nesvnic, u32 accel_local_port,
+		u32 nic_index, u32 add_port)
+	struct nes_device *nesdev = nesvnic->nesdev;
+	struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe *cqp_wqe;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct nes_cqp_request *cqp_request;
+	int ret;
+	u16 major_code;
+	/* Send manage APBVT request to CQP */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	cqp_request = nes_get_cqp_request(nesdev, NES_CQP_REQUEST_HOLDING_LOCK);
+	if (NULL == cqp_request) {
+		dprintk("%s: Failed to get a cqp_request.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+		return (-ENOMEM);
+	}
+	cqp_request->waiting = 1;
+	cqp_wqe = &cqp_request->cqp_wqe;
+	dprintk("%s:%u: %s APBV for local port=%u(0x%04x), nic_index=%u\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
+			(add_port == NES_MANAGE_APBVT_ADD) ? "ADD" : "DEL",
+			accel_local_port, accel_local_port, nic_index);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_MANAGE_APBVT |
+			((add_port==NES_MANAGE_APBVT_ADD) ? NES_CQP_APBVT_ADD : 0));
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] =
+			cpu_to_le32((nic_index << NES_CQP_APBVT_NIC_SHIFT) | accel_local_port);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) =
+			&nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	dprintk("%s: Waiting for CQP completion for APBVT.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+	atomic_set(&cqp_request->refcount, 2);
+	nes_post_cqp_request(nesdev, cqp_request, NES_CQP_REQUEST_HOLDING_LOCK,
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	ret = wait_event_timeout(cqp_request->waitq, (0 != cqp_request->request_done),
+	dprintk("%s: Completed, ret=%u,  CQP Major:Minor codes = 0x%04X:0x%04X\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, ret, cqp_request->major_code, cqp_request->minor_code);
+	major_code = cqp_request->major_code;
+	if (atomic_dec_and_test(&cqp_request->refcount)) {
+		spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+		list_add_tail(&cqp_request->list, &nesdev->cqp_avail_reqs);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	}
+	if (!ret)
+		return(-ETIME);
+	else if (major_code)
+		return(-EIO);
+	else
+		return(0);
+ * nes_manage_arp_cache
+ */
+void nes_manage_arp_cache(struct net_device *netdev, unsigned char *mac_addr,
+		u32 ip_addr, u32 action)
+	struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe *cqp_wqe;
+	struct nes_vnic *nesvnic = netdev_priv(netdev);
+	struct nes_device *nesdev;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct nes_cqp_request *cqp_request;
+	int arp_index;
+	nesdev = nesvnic->nesdev;
+	arp_index = nes_arp_table(nesdev, ip_addr, mac_addr, action);
+	if (arp_index == -1) {
+		/* dprintk("%s:%u nes_arp_table call returned -1\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); */
+		return;
+	}
+	/* dprintk("%s: Update the ARP entry, arp_index=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, arp_index); */
+	/* update the ARP entry */
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	cqp_request = nes_get_cqp_request(nesdev, NES_CQP_REQUEST_HOLDING_LOCK);
+	if (NULL == cqp_request) {
+		dprintk("%s: Failed to get a cqp_request.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+		return;
+	}
+	cqp_request->waiting = 0;
+	cqp_wqe = &cqp_request->cqp_wqe;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] =
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] |=
+			(u32)PCI_FUNC(nesdev->pcidev->devfn) << NES_CQP_ARP_AEQ_INDEX_SHIFT;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] = arp_index;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) =
+			&nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	if (action == NES_ARP_ADD) {
+		cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] |= NES_CQP_ARP_VALID;
+		cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_ARP_WQE_MAC_ADDR_LOW_IDX] =
+				(((u32)mac_addr[2]) << 24) | (((u32)mac_addr[3]) << 16) |
+				(((u32)mac_addr[4]) << 8) | (u32)mac_addr[5];
+		cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_ARP_WQE_MAC_HIGH_IDX] =
+				(((u32)mac_addr[0]) << 16) | (u32)mac_addr[1];
+	} else {
+		cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_ARP_WQE_MAC_ADDR_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+		cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_ARP_WQE_MAC_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	}
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] =
+			cpu_to_le32(cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX]);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] =
+			cpu_to_le32(cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX]);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_ARP_WQE_MAC_HIGH_IDX] =
+			cpu_to_le32(cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_ARP_WQE_MAC_HIGH_IDX]);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_ARP_WQE_MAC_ADDR_LOW_IDX] =
+			cpu_to_le32(cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_ARP_WQE_MAC_ADDR_LOW_IDX]);
+	dprintk("%s[%u] Not waiting for CQP, cqp.sq_head=%u, cqp.sq_tail=%u\n",
+			__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, nesdev->cqp.sq_head, nesdev->cqp.sq_tail);
+	atomic_set(&cqp_request->refcount, 1);
+	nes_post_cqp_request(nesdev, cqp_request, NES_CQP_REQUEST_HOLDING_LOCK,
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+ * flush_wqes
+ */
+void flush_wqes(struct nes_device *nesdev, struct nes_qp *nesqp,
+		u32 which_wq, u32 wait_completion)
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct nes_cqp_request *cqp_request;
+	struct nes_hw_cqp_wqe *cqp_wqe;
+	int ret;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	cqp_request = nes_get_cqp_request(nesdev, NES_CQP_REQUEST_HOLDING_LOCK);
+	if (NULL == cqp_request) {
+		dprintk("%s: Failed to get a cqp_request.\n", __FUNCTION__);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (wait_completion) {
+		cqp_request->waiting = 1;
+		atomic_set(&cqp_request->refcount, 2);
+	} else {
+		cqp_request->waiting = 0;
+	}
+	cqp_wqe = &cqp_request->cqp_wqe;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_OPCODE_IDX] =
+			cpu_to_le32(NES_CQP_FLUSH_WQES | which_wq);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_ID_IDX] = cpu_to_le32(nesqp->hwqp.qp_id);
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	*((struct nes_hw_cqp **)&cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_CTX_LOW_IDX]) =
+			&nesdev->cqp;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_LOW_IDX] = 0;
+	cqp_wqe->wqe_words[NES_CQP_WQE_COMP_SCRATCH_HIGH_IDX] = 0;
+	nes_post_cqp_request(nesdev, cqp_request, NES_CQP_REQUEST_HOLDING_LOCK,
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+	if (wait_completion) {
+		/* Wait for CQP */
+		ret = wait_event_timeout(cqp_request->waitq, (0 != cqp_request->request_done),
+		dprintk("Flush SQ QP WQEs completed, ret=%u, CQP Major:Minor codes = 0x%04X:0x%04X\n",
+				ret, cqp_request->major_code, cqp_request->minor_code);
+		if (atomic_dec_and_test(&cqp_request->refcount)) {
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+			list_add_tail(&cqp_request->list, &nesdev->cqp_avail_reqs);
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nesdev->cqp.lock, flags);
+		}
+	}

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