[openfabrics-ewg] MVAPICH2 SRPM and install file patches

Shaun Rowland rowland at cse.ohio-state.edu
Wed Jan 31 17:32:52 PST 2007

I've placed the MVAPICH2 SRPM on the OFA server in ~rowland/ofed_1_2,
and it is linked to here:


Additionally, I am including a patch in this email that updates the
ofed_1_2_scripts files from the GIT repository we were given to
handle the MVAPICH2 SRPM file. Basically, installing MVAPICH2 is similar
to the other MPI packages, except that I have added a choice option to
build with iWARP support or not. The default is IB only. If the user has
selected the librdmacm packages and the mvapich2 package, this choice is
presented. This is also saved in the ofed.conf file using an
MVAPICH2_IMPL variable, and the librdmacm packages are added as
dependencies if the iWARP version of MVAPICH2 is desired and they are
not already in the ofed.conf file, which seems like standard behavior in
the scripts. The resulting binary RPM uses the name convention
mvapich2_<compiler> as normal in either case. There are various ways
this could be implemented, perhaps in a better manner. This is what I
was able to come up with by today. Since the installation scripts given
were very similar to the original OFED 1.1 scripts, I was able to test
the installation procedure using OFED 1.1 files. Everything worked for
me, including building the mpitests package against the mvapich2
package. There are some comments about this in what I have done. I hope
that it is helpful in getting our SRPM integrated into the installation

Additionally, I put a README file in my ofed_1_2 directory that contains
information about the macros that can be used with our SRPM file. The
SRPM can be used to install against an existing OFED installation, and
those macros control various aspects of the result. There is one special
macro I use for when the SRPM is being built along with the OFED source,
and its use should be clear in the patched build.sh script and
associated comment.
Shaun Rowland	rowland at cse.ohio-state.edu
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