[ewg] 32 and 64 bit builds

Moshe Kazir moshek at voltaire.com
Wed Mar 7 23:52:54 PST 2007

On the OFED-1.1  32  and 64 bit library were not build on all the

What is plan for the OFED-1.2 ?

Will the 32 and 64 bits libraries be build in all cases ?
What is the planned default ?


Moshe Katzir   |  +972-9971-8639 (o)   |   +972-52-860-6042  (m)
Voltaire - The Grid Backbone


-----Original Message-----
From: ewg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org
[mailto:ewg-bounces at lists.openfabrics.org] On Behalf Of Jeff Squyres
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 12:44 AM
Subject: [ewg] 32 and 64 bit builds

With OFED-1.2-20070307-0656.tgz on x86-64, on SLES it seems to make  
32 and 64 bit builds of the user libraries by default.  But on  
RHEL4U4, OFED only makes 64 bit user libraries.


I've even hand-hacked an ofed.conf to set dapl=n and dapl_devel=n,  
and built with "./install.sh -c ofed.conf" (to get around the fact  
that dapl needs sysfsutils and RHEL4 doesn't ship a 32 bit  
sysfsutils, thereby causing the entire 32 bit build to fail).

I see in the OFED rpmbuild command that it's *trying* to build 32  
bits, but I get no errors and no 32 bit RPMs when I'm done:

Building ofa_user RPMs. Please wait...

Running rpmbuild --rebuild --define '_topdir /var/tmp/ 
OFEDRPM' ...BLAH BLAH BLAH... --define 'build_32bit 1' /tmp/jsquyres/ 

(note the "build_32bit 1" clause in there)

This is particularly vexing because I'm trying to fix bug #421 (my  
development machines are all RHEL4U4) and am having trouble  
replicating because I can't get OFED to build 32 bit libibverbs.

I've opened

Jeff Squyres
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems

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